Here are some facts about shark attacks from National Geographic: 93% of shark attacks from 1580 to 2010 worldwide were on males. In 2010, North American Waters had 42% of all confirmed…
Category: Tips Trivia and Tidbits
In His Lifetime, Artist Van Gogh Painted About 900 Paintings And Only Sold One
Here are some facts about artist Vincent Van Gogh: Vincent van Gogh did not cut off his ear. He only cut off a small portion of his ear lobe. Vincent shot himself…
U.S. Court Officials: Each Step of the Federal Judicial Process is Open to the Public
“With certain very limited exceptions, each step of the federal judicial process is open to the public. Many federal courthouses are historic buildings, and all are designed to inspire in the public…
Humans and Orangutans Have Some Things in Common – They Share Some of the Same Genes
In fact we share 96.4% of our genetic makeup with orangutans, according to the Sumatran Orangutan Society. The easiest way to distinguish between monkeys and apes is to look for a tail….
Recent Facts About Race and the Death Penalty, According to the Death Penalty Information Center
Here are some recent facts about race and the death penalty from the Death Penalty Information Center. Jurors in Washington state are three times more likely to recommend a death sentence for…
Top Ten Things You Didn’t Know About America’s National Parks, According to Filmmaker Ken Burns
Taking a trip to Yellowstone National Park, consider this: the geyser dubbed Old Faithful might not be reliable for long. The lapse between steam blasts has lengthened by about 14 minutes in…
The Top 100 Most Prescribed Drugs – a Thyroid and a Antipsychotic Drug Are Top Two
“The hypothyroid medication levothyroxine (Synthroid, AbbVie) continues to be the nation’s most prescribed drug, and the antipsychotic aripiprazole (Abilify, Otsuka Pharmaceutical) continues to have the highest sales, at nearly $6.9 billion, according…
Ten Ways to Tell if You’re a Narcissist, According to Psychology Today
Maybe, you are a narcissist if you never met a mirror you couldn’t pass by or your phone camera is full of selfies, according to a 2013 article in Psychology Today. The article…
Ten Ways to Get the Most Mileage from Your Brain That Include Learning, Exercise and Sleep
Ten ways to get the most out of your mind that include exercise, learning and sleep, according to an article in Men’s Journal Whether it’s becoming a Sudoku champion or remembering the…
S-t-r-e-t-c-h….Stretching is a Vital Part of Fitness and It Reduces Stress
Stretching may take a back seat to your exercise routine. You may think that stretching your hamstrings and calves is just something to be done if you have a few extra minutes…
Mozart at Age Six Wrote His Own Compositions, Composed His First Opera at 14
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart learned the piano at the age of three, and soon developed his skills in all musical forms. Widely recognized as one of the greatest composers of all time, he…
The Things that Men Put Around Their Necks Goes Back 30,000 Years
“Neckwear dates back 30,000 years when primitive peoples adorned their chests with beads and bangles, according to The Encyclopedia. Throughout the ages, people continued to wear wood, metal, pearls, feathers, glass, or…