JUDY WOODRUFF: The Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups have gained more attention in the news recently, but as special correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault explains, the national undercurrent of racism may be…
Category: Other Voices
White Lives Matter: The Racist Response to the Black Lives Matter Movement
After the accelerated growth of the Black Lives Matter movement, many racists across America have gone on a barnstorming campaign, posting the catch phrase White Lives Matter (WLM), to counter a message they believe is playing a part in a systematic devaluing of white culture –– even orchestrating what they call a “white genocide.”
FBI Blog: Arkansas Drug Ring Run by Violent Street Gangs Taken Down, Leader Gets 20 Years in Prison
FBI Blog: Several years ago, in the city of West Memphis in eastern Arkansas, violent street gangs involved in drug trafficking and other crimes threatened the safety and security of the people who lived and worked in the area. One of the most significant gangs was headed by drug kingpin Rafael McDaniel.
U.S. Attorney General Remarks About Dietary Supplements During National Consumer Protection Week
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch Discusses Dietary Supplements. National Consumer Protection Week is a coordinated campaign that encourages consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their consumer rights and make better-informed decisions.
Bill Maher: Donald Trump is Starting to Sound Like Hitler
After learning that Donald Trump apparently kept a volume of Adolf Hitler’s speeches at his bedside, Bill Maher made a scary comparison between the GOP front-runner at the German dictator on “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday.
Maher aired a clip of Hitler speaking with Trump-sounding quotes as subtitles.
Hate in America — The Klan
Journalist Tony Harris investigates the ground-breaking court cases that transformed the SPLC into such a powerful force. With civil rights lawyer Morris Dees taking on some of the most violent and dangerous white supremacist groups in US history.
What In the World Are We Teaching Our Youth?
In this bizarre (and sad) Presidential Primary marathon, it is fair to ask, “What In the World Are We Teaching Our Youth?” The question is in fact more than fair; it is critically important.
We know that the brains of adolescents and young adults are still developing, and that they are very impressionable. They often learn from and emulate their adult role models, like their parents, teachers, and political leaders, and what an opportunity this is!
John Oliver: Donald Trump’s is a Serial Liar, Con Man and His Real Family Name is “Drumpf”
On Sunday, John Oliver launched a scathing attack on his HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” against Donald Trump, saying that Trump was a serial liar, hypocrite and racist. Oliver shows video clips of Trump contradicting himself, exaggerating his wealth, being mean and vicious, conning people out of their money and lying about not knowing who the former Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan, David Duke, was. Duke and the Klu Klux Klan are endorsing Trump.
Oliver said Trump’s real family name is “Drumpf,” launching a campaign to make Trump Drumpf, again
Frontline: A Crime of Insanity – The Case of Ralph Tortorici
Contrary to popular belief, the insanity defense is used in fewer than 1 percent of all cases and only has about a 26 percent success rate. In 90 percent of the successful claims, the defendants had been previously diagnosed with mental illness, according to authorities
Number of Hate Groups Increase in the U.S. in 2015, Report Indicates
The number of extremist groups operating in the United States grew in 2015 – a year awash in deadly extremist violence and hateful rhetoric from mainstream political figures, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s annual census of hate groups and other extremist organizations.
FBI Blog: New Center for Law Enforcement to Analyze Explosive Devices
The Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (TEDAC), a multi-agency organization that performs a critical function in the fight against terrorism, was officially welcomed to its new home today at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, as FBI Director James Comey and other officials took part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the occasion.
John Oliver: Voting Rights Are Being Denied to Many Americans
Every American deserves an equal vote. That is a constitutional right. But in some states, access to voting is becoming less and less equal, according to John Oliver.