By Raul Hernandez
[email protected]
After listening to the GOP debate on CNN this week, I feel I owe the Village People an apology.
This is some of what came out of the GOP brain trust during the debate:

Some GOP political candidates want to shoot down Russian planes in no-fly zones in Syria, carpet bomb ISIS and send another wave of thousands of American and International troops to the Middle East to root out and destroy ISIS.
Translation: Start World War III, kill innocent women and children by carpet bombing cities and spend billions more of the taxpayers money to fight ISIS.
BTW: When the flag-draped coffins of dead American soldiers start arriving on U.S. soil inside military transport planes, blame Obama.
None of the GOP arm-chair generals ever served in the military. But chest thumping and John Wayne posturing can put points up on polls faster than a scoreboard on a pinball machine. Also the lunatics lap it up, and it revs up the applause meter at political rallies.
This is real fear: Handing over the nuclear launch codes to one of these candidates.
The only one on the GOP stage that made any sense on this issue is Trump. He wants to stay out of another Middle East war and said the trillions used during the Iraq war could have been better spent on fixing the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, roads and schools.
But Trump is concerned about the U.S.-Mexico border and wants to build a huuuuuge wall along the border — a barrier that would keep Mexicans from squeezing through and jumping over the wall and entering this country.
Psst: Since 2006, the Mexicans, at last count, have dug eight tunnels from Tijuana to San Diego underneath America’s best technology, drones and hundreds of U.S. Border Patrols riding and walking over them.
The latest “sophisticated cross-border super tunnel” was discover after the feds were tipped off by an informant, a U.S. Department of Justice recent press released stated.
The tunnels were built courtesy of El Chapo’s pals, The Drug Cartels, who are addicted to money and will do anything to make billions by trying to satisfy the insatiable appetite of drug users in the USA.

Also the Mexicans have become very creative in sneaking people and drugs into this country. I kid you not. Check out this story: 12 Undocumented Immigrants Crammed Into Fake Border Patrol Vehicle Caught by Real Border Patrol Agent
BTW: Trump is going to need another huuuuge wall on the northern border with Canada. The Canadian government just agreed to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees within the next three months, according to a CNN report.
Fear in the Home of the Brave
In the Land of the Skittish and Easily Terrified, politically packaged fear is good for TV ratings, profits and votes.
There are more than 100 phobias and in the U.S., politicians are coming up with the snake-oil remedies to cure American phobias.
If the Founding Fathers had been terror-stricken, we’d still be under British rule and paying homage to the Queen Mother.
The Bible Thumpers and Ted

The evangelicals are rallying around Ted Cruz because they like his brand of politics that’s peppered with biblical scriptures and wrapped around the red, white and blue.
They are also buying into the fear mongering BS about Syrian refugees that Cruz and others are slinging.
Yet, according to the Bible, God’s most repeated commandment is “fear not.” It states “fear not” 365 times. God wasn’t talking to the wall.
Many of these people who have arsenals and buy bullets by the pound don’t seem to practice what they preach on Sundays.
Fact: Muslims kill and behead far more Muslims throughout the world than Christians. Home-grown terrorist Timothy McVeigh, a Christian, didn’t have to go through a metal detector to plant a bomb that killed more than 300 innocent people and took down a federal courthouse in Oklahoma.
Of course, this country needs to do everything possible to make sure terrorist attacks are few and far between and this includes securing the borders. It also means a vigilant community working with law enforcement.
Don’t Mess With Texas or It’s Gov.
There should be a bumper sticker that states: Visit Texas — America’s Bouncy House
The Lone Star State’s Gov. Greg Abbott wants to stop Syrian refugees from entering Texas because he is afraid ISIS might sneak in a terrorist or two into a state that prides itself as being tough and not to be messed with.
Earlier this month, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, with Abbott approval, filed a lawsuit requesting an immediate order blocking the arrival of all new Syrian refugees in the state, in light of “reasonable concerns about the safety and security of the citizenry of the state of Texas, ” according to Time magazine.
Two days later, on Dec. 4, Paxton’s office said it would no longer seek an immediate order blocking the arrival of the refugees, but would continue with the lawsuit to get more information about those slated to live in Texas.
The murders and rapists on our streets
Here is something that CNN or the New York Times should also tell Texas and the rest of the nation — there are thousands of violent criminals roaming America’s streets.
The murders, rapists, kidnappers and other violent are wanted fugitives.
In fiscal year 2014, the U.S. Marshals apprehended more than 33,000 federal fugitives, clearing approximately 36,800 federal warrants, according to the U.S. Marshal’s Office.
Working with authorities at the federal, state, and local levels, U.S. Marshals-led fugitive task forces arrested more than 71,000 state and local fugitives, clearing 89,131 state and local felony warrants.
Fugitives Are Escaping Justice
A USA Today 2014 investigation states that police and prosecutors are allowing tens of thousands of wanted felons — including more than 3,300 people accused of sexual assaults, robberies and homicides — to escape justice merely by crossing a state border.
Those decisions, almost always made in secret, permit fugitives to go free in communities across the country, leaving their crimes unpunished, their victims outraged and the public at risk.
Each fugitive’s case is chronicled in a confidential FBI database that police use to track outstanding warrants, USA Today reported.
In 186,873 of those cases, USA Today stated that police indicated that they would not spend the time or money to retrieve the fugitive from another state, a process known as extradition.
That’s true even if the fugitives are just across a bridge in the state next door. Another 78,878 felony suspects won’t be extradited from anyplace but neighboring states, USA Today reported.