The Feds and the Department of Justice
During the Democratic debate on CNN tonight, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said that if he is elected, he will make sure that the Department of Justice investigates the deaths of people under police arrest or custody.
Sanders is right.
Police killings should be investigated by the federal government. There is little confidence that police departments across the country are capable to conducting honest, fair and thorough investigations, and these two glaring headlines last week in the Los Angeles Times underscores this:
“LAPD found no bias in all 1,356 complaints filed against officers” and “More Than A Third Of People Shot By LAPD In 2015 Were Mentally Ill — The report found a marked increase in shooting of mentally ill people from the previous year.”
These numbers, which included 2012 to 2014, came from a report by the Los Angeles Police Commission’s watchdog.
The Los Angeles Police Department is no different than many departments in the country and simply a reflection of what has been occurring for decades. There has been little or no accountability for police misconduct, abuse and killings.
Worse is that District Attorneys’ Offices, for the most part, have simply stamped the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on police fatal shootings and beatings.
Nothing has been done. Bad officers are allowed under the cloak of law enforcement to terrorize communities. So there should be no surprise that the mistrust between many communities and the police runs long and deep.
Holding police accountable only began to happen after citizens with cell phone cameras started video recording cops beating people who pose no threat to them or others and killing unarmed suspects. Some of these killings and beatings sparked public outrage along with vocal and violent street protests where people demanded change in police departments.
It was no longer going to be business as usual — there are calls for police cameras, the demilitarization of police departments and stricter use of lethal force.
Some critics say they see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Last week, for example, the District Attorney’s Office in Alabama indicted a police officer for the killing of a 58-year-old black man in Montgomery, Alabama.
Other people are ignoring police department’s Internal Affairs Units, still have no faith in state prosecutors and are simply taking their criminal allegations against cops to the FBI.
The feds are stepping up civil rights investigations against police officers, prison guards and other law enforcement officials.
There has been a rise by the Department of Justice in prosecuting law enforcement officials, according to the 2016 Department of Justice Civil Rights Division report.
From 2009 through 2014, the Justice Department charged 407 law enforcement officers in 271 indictments, charging willful violations of constitutional rights.
This represents a 15% increase in indictments over the prior 6 year period, according to the report.
The Department of Justice encourages people to report police brutality and abuse to local offices of the FBI or sending written complaints to the Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice, P.O. Box 66018, Washington, D.C. 20035-6018
For more information on how to file written complaints with the U.S. Department of Justice click here: “Addressing Police Misconduct Laws Enforced by the Department of Justice.”
The Klan Fool and “The White Race” Myth
“The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called ‘racist,’” said William Johnson, the leader of the white nationalist American Freedom Party, in the robocall recording for Trump.
This might come as a shock to many including the KKK idiot Johnson and others but there is no such thing as the “white race.”
Basically, there are only three races in the world – caucasian, negroid and mongoloid.
In Europe, where Johnson claims his white purity was spawned, the Roman Empire set up camp for about 600 years, and conquered what are now 32 modern countries, including France, Germany, England and Israel.
So it is probably safe to say that many self-proclaimed “whites” are probably Italian and other races. In addition, Rome built dozens of cities in Europe including Paris, London, Zurich, Bonn and Vienna.
In addition, the Moors were originally from Africa and were considered black. They were in Southern Spain and Sicily for 700 years. BTW: The Moors were also hired by the Roman army as mercenaries.
So many of Europeans and Americans of the “white race” probably have black ancestors, and many of their “white” ancestors were slaves in Europe.
Also there were other major empires in Europe besides the Romans and Moors including the Celtic Empire, the Viking Empire, the Spanish Empire, Portuguese Empire, the French Colonia Empire, Byzantine Empire, the British Empire and the Third Reich.
Guess what they were all doing when they were conquering and pillaging? Unfortunately, capturing people, raping, inbreeding, taking slaves and trading slaves.
The Romans, for example, conquered a town in Gaul and made the 53,000 residents slaves. At one time, half of the Roman population were slaves.
Here is a solid source for Roman History: There are also the books, the “Roman Empire” by Nigel Rodgers and “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” by James William Ermatinger.
Rome was multiracial and multi-faith and at one time, had an emperor named Philip the Arab who was from Arabia Nabataea, now Jordan, the experts say.
“But one accusation cannot be leveled against Rome: that of racism. When the Romans talked of ‘barbarism,’ the term simply denoted cultural and social backwardness and brutishness,” Rodgers wrote in his book.
Some ignorant people like Johnson who’ve never cracked a book, including history books, believe that somehow having white skin pigmentation gives them this special nobility or superiority in some mystic Sherwin Williams’ pie chart somewhere.
Really, it’s not that complicated.
Most of these racists and arrogant asses are insecure and an ignorant lot or are bonafide losers and failures in life and feel the need to look down upon others they see as inferior beings. They will also find scapegoats to blame for all the problems in their miserable and sad lives.
Hitler had the Jews, and Trump has the Mexicans and Muslims to blame for America’s woes.
But historically and basically, this is what happened with the European people: Through the centuries people have divided themselves into tribes who built fences and borders according to their languages, likes and dislikes which gave birth to different cultures.
To complicate things, the tribes further divided themselves into political, economical, religious, social and other groups.
So “leader” Johnson, and others like him who tout the so-called “white race” should just STFU, and go read a book.