The exodus is starting to look like the Who’s Who of the Republican Party.
On Saturday, another staunch conservative George Will, who is a Washington Post columnist, announced that he is done with the Republican Party and Donald Trump.
“This is not my party,” Will told PJ Media.
He said a democrat in the White House would be better than Donald Trump who called Will a “major loser.” Will said the last straw was House Speaker Paul Ryan‘s endorsement of Trump.
Will said conservatives who don’t agree with Trump should: “Make sure he loses.”
I like reading Will’s columns as much as I enjoyed watching conservative pundit William F. Buckley Jr when he hosted Firing Line. Buckley was a master of using a calm demeanor and caustic tongue dipped with razor-sharp wit to methodically dismantle his critics.
Will is one of the voices of reason for conservative ranks and peppers many of his columns with thoughtful, insightful and brilliant commentary.
Many years ago, I read a column that Will wrote about the state of the old Soviet Union’s broken socialist-communist economy with its long bread lines. Will used humor and sarcasm to sum up Russia’s economic woes in one sentence: “In the Soviet Union, the Russian people pretend to work, and the Russian government pretends to pay them.”
Will represents the exodus of prominent and credible conservative voices from a party being led by a clueless demagogue who has nothing to offer except fear and lying tongue.
Redraw the Lines
On Thursday, a federal judge erased the lines drawn by Cleveland officials for the Republic National Convention next month where people could launch protests.
US District Judge James Gwin’s decision comes three weeks before the Republican convention that is expected to attract 100,000 Republican politicians, delegates and supporters in Cleveland.
The boundaries set by Cleveland as they exist would restrict First Amendment right to free speech, the judge said.
Cleveland had originally planned for a heightened security zone around downtown Cleveland.
Judge Gwin claimed that the area was unduly large, the parade routes were insufficient and that parade hours were also inadequate.
“And I don’t mean to suggest the city can’t control the time and the parade routes, but I think the restriction to this Lorain-Carnegie Bridge at times when delegates area almost invariably not going to be present is an insufficient opportunity for First Amendment purposes,” the judge said according to
However, city attorney, Stewart Hastings, said city officials had concerns that Cleveland could be a target for terrorists.
Trump and the Evangelicals
Last week, the snake slithered into a meeting with hundreds of evangelicals attending a conference in New York.
There, Donald Trump, who spews hatred and racism, convinced some of America’s Ayatollahs that he had a religious conversion and proceeded to question the faith of his political opponents Clinton and Obama.
While some evangelicals like Jerry Falwell Jr. and Tony Perkins accepted that Trump has a personal relationship with Christ, others like evangelical leader Russell Moore are dismayed and disappointed that Christians are flocking to a man who, Moore claims, doesn’t represent their religious values.
Dr. James Dobson was one of many Evangelicals who Trump met with in New York said he was “encouraged” by Trump’s faith, according to published reports.
“He did accept a relationship with Christ. I know the person who led him to Christ. And that’s fairly recent.”
Dobson is confident that Trump has “really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian.”
He acknowledged that Trump just doesn’t know how to speak the language
But Dobson concluded, “You gotta cut him some slack, he didn’t grow up like we did. I think there’s hope for him
Yeah, just cut Donald Trump some slack.
This is the guy who conned honest hardworking people out of their hard-earned money via Trump University. Who makes fun of the disabled and makes disparaging remarks about women. A womanizer who is on his third marriage, and by his own admission, says he was responsible for the breakup of the last two marriages.
Who says he has never asked God for forgiveness, and who couldn’t quote a Bible verse if his life depended on it. Who has no problem killing the families of terrorists and wants to ban Muslims from entering the country. Who refers to a federal judge as a “Mexican” and wants to build a wall on the border to keep Mexico from exporting its rapists, criminals and drug dealers.
Who thumps his chest and brags right after the horrible massacre that killed 49 people. Who sings the praises of Russian Thug Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and calls fellow Republican and former President George W. Bush a liar.
Who another Republican and presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, refused to endorse because “he has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president. And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill…Dishonesty is Trump’s hallmark.”
But come to think about it – a meeting with some of the America’s right-wing holy men is the best place Trump can be to make his case, to find some sympathetic and gullible “evangelical” ears to beguile.
Seriously, just forego the formality and this “Christian” charade: Just set aside the teaching of Jesus for political expediency, put lipstick on this pig, and bust out with the “Pastors for Lucifer” T-shirts.
Donald has seen the light!
That is what Comedian and HBO commentator John Oliver discovered about some Religious conmen.
(John Oliver Looks at the Televangelists and Their Messages)
(Kenneth Copeland with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland Ministries is on Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board. Kenneth Copeland was certain that Ted Cruz Has Been ‘Called & Anointed’ By God To Be The Next President)