An FBI task force on Friday arrested a Tucson man on terrorism related offenses involving a conspiracy targeting government buildings in two cities in Arizona, authorities said.
Mahin Kahn, 18, was arrested following an investigation by the FBI’s joint terrorism task force, a spokesperson for the FBI’s Phoenix field office said.
Khan faces two state counts of terrorism and conspiracy to commit terrorism, a spokesperson for the Arizona Attorney General’s Office said.
The allegations involve conspiring to commit acts of terrorism on government buildings in Phoenix and Tucson, Attorney General’s Office spokesperson Mia Garcia said.
Neither federal nor state officials would elaborate on the specifics of the allegations against Khan, citing sealed court records.
Authorities told NBC News the arrest and allegations are not related to the Independence Day weekend, and the timing of the arrest was coincidence. There are no outstanding suspects.
Airports and other transportation hubs are on high alert during the holiday weekend following recent terror attacks at Istanbul’s international airport and a massacre at a café in Bangladesh. A record-breaking 43 million Americans are expected to travel.
“The FBI believes there is no specific and credible threat information about possible attacks in the U.S. as we enter the July 4th holiday,” the FBI Phoenix spokesperson, Jill McCabe, said in a statement.
Khan made an initial appearance in state court in Phoenix Saturday where he was held without bail, Garcia said.