The Ignorant Ass Hat
Why do many of these Trump jackasses still wear the “Make America Great Again (that actually proclaim to the entire world ‘I am an ignorant ass)” hats?
After hearing Trump open his mouth and spew garbage that he seems to pull out of his ass or after talking to one of the voices in his head, I would have burned that hat, thrown it in a dumpster or given it to my dog to play with.
Why would anyone enter a restaurant, an auto parts store or even Walmart wearing the “Make America Great, I am an Ignorant Ass” red hat?
I would be afraid that a Walmart clerk would announce over the loudspeaker:
“Attention shoppers, we have an ignorant ass on aisle three. He will be the one under the red ballcap. So go over and gawk, snicker, smirk or quietly laugh inside your head. But please do not tease, point at or berate this ignorant ass because this is America and everyone is entitled to be as stupid as they want.”
Trump just announced to the world that Sweden is under Attack. The former Swedish prime minister wonders what Trump has been smoking.
Washington Post’s Sweden Attack Story Click Here to Read: Sweden
It is incredible that the unarmed Swedes are willing to welcome refugees to their country but many of the Republican gun-toting, flag-waving cowboys who sling the macho BS, drive the pickup trucks and hide behind computers to anonymously spew their racism are afraid of them, and most refugees who want to enter the United States are women and children who have been vetted.
The real problem is that racism is trying to hide its ugly head behind patriotism and God and Country and the “Make America Great Again (that actually proclaim to the entire world I am an ignorant ass)” hats.
Also the unarmed Canadians have welcomed 50,000 refugees. So does that mean another wall should be built on the Canadian border to keep us safe from the Canadian imports?
Meanwhile, CNN and MSNBC TV hosts are still gathering panels of “experts” and the usual pundits and sophists to analyze crazy, put it into its proper perspective and sort through the Trump’s BS.
They want to elevate the Village Idiot into some kind of an Egyptian enigma that they are trying to solve. Trump is alphabet soup, not hieroglyphics.
But it continues at CNN and MSNBC: “Oh, wow, what does he mean and why did he say that and why does he still appeal to the ignorant, gullible and racists?”
Seriously, it is simple. When Trump opens his mouth listen to his words, Google his past deeds, it’s not that complicated.
And, get a dictionary if that helps. Stop insulting the intelligence of the majority of sane Americans who have already figured it out. Psssst —he’s crazy.
Huffington Post Headlines: Nobody Seems To Have Liked Working For Donald Trump’s New Labor Pick
Alexander Acosta’s record at the Department of Justice and in academia is suspect, according to published reports.
Drag out another Donald Trump nominee dud. This one will be tasked with improving wages, benefits and working conditions and administering 180 federal laws.
Under the Trump administration, the fox who guards the henhouse and will be charged with counting the eggs and chickens and making sure the chicken wire is nice and sturdy and the chickens are well-fed, cozy and confident.
It is about economics.
The magic of economics and not Trump’s mouth will finally wake up many of his ignorant and gullible supporters and send the Republican congress bolting for cover like kitchen cockroaches.
Unfortunately, it will hit everyone’s pocketbooks in a big way — 401ks will start to tank, there are long unemployment lines and businesses will be closed, especially small businesses.
The beginning of Trump’s demise will start when he begins a trade war with Mexico and other countries like China and rolls out Trumponomics.
Mexico said last week that it will retaliate if Trump enacts tariffs, according to CNN
“From Mexico’s point of view, opening tariffs will be a big mistake,” Mexico’s economic minister, Ildefonso Guajardo, told CNN’s Richard Quest on Friday. “It will be a step backward, not a step forwards The Trump administration has floated the idea of a 20% tariff on Mexican imports to the United States to pay for its proposed border wall. Trump has also threatened a 35% “big border tax” on companies that move jobs to Mexico
It will be very sad but Trump will be impeached when Republicans Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and others in the GOP finally, through overwhelming public pressure, realize that this mentally unstable man is a clear and present danger to America.
Trump will probably be faced with an international crisis, he’ll react, thrust the country into a war and shortly afterward, the bodies of American servicemen will start coming home.
Maybe, sane America’s outrage and many of Trump supporters, who are still in a drunken stupor over this nutjob will sober up, and demand that Trump leaves office immediately.