By Raul Hernandez
NYT: Mike Pence Rejects Report That He Is Positioning for 2020
Mike Pence is upset and vehemently denying recent reports that he plans to run in 2020.
Pence is a two-legged self-help program who labels himself a follower of Christ. But Christ wouldn’t want to do anything with being part of a political, socical or economic system that supports a vindictive and hateful bigot who embraces evil.
Pence routinely stands next to Trump applauding the twisted logic and lies of a pathological liar whose life has been marked as a giant fraud. A con man whose left a long paper trail of cheating people who have done business with him; mocked a handicapped reporter; bragged about barging into dressing rooms full of young women; been the target of sexual abuse allegations by 13 women and pushed racist policies applauded by white supremacists.
Pence knows in his heart of hearts that there is nothing Christlike about Trump.
But Trump’s poodle Pence is slick and a well-oiled and well-groomed GOP mouthpiece, reading off the script written by his handler.
Pence is like the funeral home salesman who tries to sell a loved one the most expensive coffin because it’s got the better warranty. He does so while using a handkerchief to wipe the smudges off the brass handles and pretending that he cares.
Pence, however, isn’t selling steel-gauge caskets to widows. He is helping Trump sell broken or morally bankrupt policies that harm and discredit the nation: Destroying the environment; cutting off health care for the most vulnerable people; rejecting desperate refugees escaping worn-torn countries and search of freedom and safe harbors in America, and helping the GOP pass Jim Crow laws that are gift-wrapped as Voter ID fraud legislation.
He is helping Trump sell broken or morally bankrupt policies that harm and discredit the nation: Destroying the environment; cutting off health care for the most vulnerable people; rejecting desperate refugees escaping worn-torn countries in search of freedom, and helping the GOP pass Jim Crow laws that are gift-wrapped as Voter ID fraud legislation.
Pence simply sharpens his silver tongue, hardens his heart and offers a tight smile while professing to be a Christian like so many of these Republican hypocrites.
He is nothing more than a political vulture waiting patiently in a tree for his opportunity to swoop down and feast on the rotting carcass.
The New York Times story published a story laying out the facts about Pence and 2020, and Pence, as the saying goes, “Doth protest too much” while cloaked in righteous indignation.
Please, spare me the BS.
Great magazine Newsweek cover. But there are a couple of things missing in the photo — Trump’s putter and Jeff Sessions’ shoe shine box.
I don’t know what is worse, North Korean nukes or Donald Trump walking around with the nuclear codes in his pocket.
HEADLINE: Billionaire Peter Thiel’s Support Of Trump Presidency Is Privately Faltering: Buzzfeed reported today.
“There is a 50% chance this whole thing ends in disaster,” Thiel reportedly said.
“Tech billionaire Peter Thiel, a supporter of President Donald Trump who has helped advise the former real estate mogul on technology policy, is privately worried about the success of the Trump administration,” according to BuzzFeed.
The rats are abandoning the Trumptanic as Trump’s popularity polling is in competition with whale shit in its race to the bottom.