By Raul Hernandez
Heather Heyer the woman killed at the Nazi Hate Feast on Saturday will be a symbol of courage and a rallying cry for justice.
She didn’t have to be there to peacefully protest hatred and racism but chose to do so. Hopefully, we all learn from her life that some things are worth the sacrifice of our time, our commitment and sometimes, even our lives for others.
RIP, Ms. Heyer.

Trump didn’t vote himself into office.
Millions of people voted for Trump knowing that he is a purveyor of violence and hatred. The kind of hatred that gets cheers from supporters and endorsements from white supremacists and Nazis like the ones that surfaced at Charlottesville, Va
Trump’s hatred and violence, however, were apparent long before Trump was elected to office.
His bigotry targeted and indicted whole races through skin pigmentations and religious bigotry.
Trump tried to delegitimize the presidency of a black man with his birtherism allegations. Trump lied and blamed millions of undocumented immigrants for illegally voting for Hillary Clinton.
He is constantly searching for scapegoats to increase his popularity among white supremacists and bigots. People who are losers and failures in life and want to blame others for their social and moral shortcomings.
Trump makes no bones that he shares many their pie-in-the sky dream of a white America.
And, Neo-Nazi David Duke, the former Klan leader who endorsed Trump during his campaign, had this to say about the deadly violence in Charlottesville:
“This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”
The Trump administration proposes to change legal immigration laws to favor English speakers with higher education and skills. They deny that they were trying to put out the welcome mat only to people from certain, mostly white countries, like England and Australia.
Trump apologists on Fox like Sean Hannity, Eric Bolling, Steve Doocy still allow this pathological liar, sexual predator and con man to run his political infomercials unabated and unchallenged.
And, for the most part, Trump’s Republican Party members have remained silent about the racist attacks at Charlottesville. Some, however, gave lip service and not much more.
What can one expect from a political party that passes Jim Crow Voter ID laws? Not much because the ultimate goal of the GOP is to win elections and keep power at any and all costs.
Millions who voted for Trump are terrified of sharing power with minorities, can’t come to grips that the face of America is changing, and there is nothing they can do about it.
Trump remains their political messiah because he knows their coded language and how to package the racism with polite words. The GOP and Fox are the safe harbors to try to legitimize their hatred, feed their ignorance and appease their fears.
The GOP and Fox are the safe harbors to try to legitimize their hatred, feed their ignorance and appease their fears.
All while wearing an American flag on the lapels of their suits and pledging allegiance to the United States of America.
Wink, wink, nod, nod.