By Raul Hernandez
Trump’s Nominee
After a Washington Post/”60 Minutes” investigation, Trump dumped his latest bottom feeder from his steady stream of political scavengers working at his administration.
Trump says drug czar nominee Tom Marino is withdrawing.
“Rep. Tom Marino has informed me that he is withdrawing his name from consideration as drug czar,” Trump said in a Tuesday morning tweet. “Tom is a fine man and a great Congressman!”
The excellent investigative piece by the Washington Post/”60 Minutes” investigation paints a disturbing portrait of Marino.
Trump could put on a happy face in defending a broken sewer system while wading through it, noting that the gutter rats are well fed. Then, he’d turn around and accuse the media of hating chubby rodents.
I have more respect for Drug Cartel leaders than guys like Tom Marino who put profits and pharmacy companies above cracking down on corporate drug dealers posing as legitimate pill pushers.
At least with drug traffickers like El Chapo, they make no bones about who they are and what they do.
Marino and his ilk hide behind law books, Congress and the pharmaceutical industry to write elaborate laws that defang the DEA and make it possible to legitimately push dangerous drugs across America unabated and do it over millions of drugstore counters.
“He knew what he signed up for”
President Trump called the families of troops who lost their lives in the Niger raid. Congresswoman Frederica Wilson says he told the widow of Sergeant La David Johnson, “He knew what he signed up for,” according to CNN.
Trump is a mentally ill con man who lacks the compassion and an understanding of what military service means — the words Duty, Honor, and Country elude him.
This is the guy who spent a lot of energy getting out from serving in the military during the Vietnam War, saying he had foot spurs. He got four foot-spur deferments He got a college deferment also to keep from getting drafted.
The GOP’s standard-bearer likes to wrap himself in the flag and criticizes NFL protesters to get a rise from his bottom feeders who love their con man and his pretend patriotism.
Neither Trump nor his sons have ever served in the military.
Trump will never truly appreciate the brave sacrifices these heroes make in defense of this country because he really sees no value in their service aside with using their deaths to score political points.