So, Rudy Giuliani admitted Sunday that the White House is trying to discredit the Mueller investigation investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. The goal was to delegitimize the probe in the eyes of voters and lawmakers in Congress.
Giuliani is merely pointing to the obvious.
Trump supporters, however, have their heads up in dark places where the sun don’t shine, and facts don’t matter.
Giuliani got “thunderous boos” for his birthday at Yankee Stadium. The public is getting tired of this gutter rat who trades in lies and conspiracies and participates with the Trump Organized Crime Family to dismantle and sell democracy and the compromising of national securities.
Trump should show up to his political campaign rallies with a laser pointer that emits a red dot and use it to weed out anti-Trumpers in the audience. Those who don’t follow the red dot as Trump flashes it around the stadium are thrown out of the rally.
It works on cats.
Trump Republican grew a pair of b*lls.
I bet Ronnie and the rest of the Republicans in heaven are rejoicing and dancing after Sen. Marco Rubio suggested Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation” that Congress would take steps to prevent the Chinese tech firm ZTE from being able to operate in the United States.
Rubio said nearly the same thing about going against the NRA after the Parkland high school shooting but has done little to make good on that promise. Rubio is good at giving lip service to issues.
Rubio is afraid of Trump and would rather face the NRA than upset Trump.

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt, one of the most corrupt and morally bankrupt administrators in White House history, introduced a bill in 1999 and again, unsuccessfully, in 2005 to grant men “property rights” over unborn fetuses.
Pruitt’s support from right-wing evangelical Christians, a group that largely opposes abortion, is a big reason Trump hasn’t fired Pruitt despite calls by both Democrat and a handful of Republicans to send him packing.
Trump will keep Pruitt as long as he continues destroying the environment.
Pruitt and his evangelical supporters subscribe to the Gospel of Trump where truth and facts go to die in the altar of political expediency.