What bunker does the “artist” who painted Trump crossing the Swamp live in and on what planet?
Is this the same guy who did the painting of the dogs playing pool below
Hate Group Alert – Get Smartphones Ready
Trump who likes to stoke the flames of racism will be on his tweeter account soon to promote the incognito Trump Redneck Rally. He’ll make subtle remarks to his racists about the need for a border wall and texting that hordes of immigrants are invading the U.S.
Question is: How many racists will lose their jobs this weekend? Or how many corporate career will be snuffed out before they begin by smartphone cameras? Or businesses permanently shut down because nobody wants to do shop in a store owned or operated by a white supremacist?
The world will recognize the faces of men and women who spout racism. Many of them will end up inside jury boxes, riding patrol cars or passing around business cards with titles such as church elders, nurses, doctors, engineers or corporate leaders. Some might be the neighbors next door.
So, click away with the smartphones this weekend and don’t forget to post the videos on Youtube so the world will see the faces of hate and ignorance.
Feeling the heat from the Mueller investigation, Trump held another Dear leader Rally this week in Tampa to pump up his faltering ego and whip up his cult into a frenzy.
No surprise that some of his loons pounced on the media for reporting the truth about his lies, horrible decisions and unprofessional and unethical behavior.
The Trump audience, who looks like WWF season ticket holders, were screaming “CNN Sucks,” cursing and flipping off reporters, mostly Jim Acosta from CNN.
There is some ongoing, incredible reporting by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Washington Post, and many others.
Trump ‘s security blanket is his followers who adore him and will even laugh at his buffoonish behavior and antics while he is on the stage.
Right now, Trump is feeling the Mueller investigation getting closer, and he is trying to throw mud at it by stirring up his base, focusing their anger at Robert Mueller and journalists.
However, this is the real story behind the story.
The thing that Trump fears the most that doesn’t get much ink in the press is that his real financial worth will find the light of day through the Mueller investigation.
Mueller’s subpoenas are shaking the trees and dislodging every financial nook and cranny about Trump’s dealings that he is frantically trying to keep out of the public eye.
The financial records will probably show that Trump who considers himself an economics genius is drowning or nearly drowning in red ink because of bad business decisions and a pile of lawsuits from people whom he cheated or conned during business deals.
The Russian banks and those banks whom the Russians and others use to money launder like Deutsche Bank aren’t going near the Trump Organized Crime Family.
It would draw too much FBI scrutiny.
The American banks gave up on writing loans to Trump Inc. years ago because of fear they will never see them paid off.
Also, Trump knows that felony convictions will mean that his financial empire will crumble when the feds, especially the IRS, will come and his assets and property under federal asset forfeiture laws. He will have nothing, and probably end up in a two-bedroom apartment in Queens.
These laws that allow law enforcement and prosecutors to seize assets and property obtained through illegal activity, including money laundering and tax evasion, are in the books and regularly used.
This is done to prevent criminals from profiting from their crimes.
So, it is possible that Mueller showed Trump’s lawyers what they have and what areas they will ask Trump questions about — this resulted in blood being drained from the brain and take the freight elevator to the basement of the body.
Trump lawyers probably told their client that Mueller’s evidence, especially Trump’s finances are solid, and Trump immediately bolted to his tweeter account.
He tweeted this on Wednesday, and this got him into a lot of trouble:
” ..This is a terrible situation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now, before it continues to stain our country any further. Bob Mueller is totally conflicted, and his 17 Angry Democrats that are doing his dirty work are a disgrace to USA!”
But Trump and his apologists are now saying that he didn’t mean what he said. It was just an opinion that came from the most powerful man on the planet who has the nuclear launch code in his pocket.
If Trump tweets, somebody should send U.S. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to Moscow. Trump’s supporters argued that this was an opinion, the president thinking out loud?
Trump is the Luby’s of politics where his audiences are given a buffet of lies to pick and chose from and encouraged by Trump not to believe the truth and facts.
The Trump and Russian dupes were out in full force Tuesday at another Dear Leader Rally and like mindless vultures feasting on the dead-carcasses of lies and recycled lies that Trump fed them.
Media, please continue to pan the audiences with cameras to show what the faces of depravity, hate, ignorance, and racism look like, many of them probably live next door.
In a recent CNN interview, Trump’s lawyer and expert language contortionist Rudy Giuliani said his legal team could squash any potential Mueller subpoena served on Trump.
Mueller is still dickering Giuliani about whether the questions should be limited, in writing or both.
This is all BS.
It’s simply Mueller being kind, generous and accommodating to Trump because it will look good on legal paper, to judges’ and in the public’s eyes.
Also it’s bait in the form of a compromise. They are simply trying to get Trump into a room with prosecutors who know that this buffoon is as dumb as a slug and doesn’t know when to shut up.
Prosecutors will massage and stroke Trump’s ego at first before they dismantle and destroy him with tough questions to shore up a fat indictment.
Mueller eventually will get tired of the red-light, green-light game and dangling of shiny things to Trump, Giuliani and his battery of legal morons. Mueller and his boy will hit Trump with a subpoena.