Meet the Press host Chuck Todd said he is going to deny Climate Deniers
a platform on his news program.
“We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter, and human activity is a major cause. Period,” Todd said.
Other news hosts should follow suit because this is the most urgent issue facing the planet, and it shouldn’t be turned over to the demagoguery of pseudo-science.
A dire report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, released in October, predicted widespread food shortages, massive coral reef die-offs and more deadly heat waves by 2040 if greenhouse gas emissions are not rapidly brought under control, according to the Los Angeles Times.
A U.S. government study released last month warned that the country’s agriculture, infrastructure, and the economy will all suffer severe consequences if global warming is not reined in.
The L.A. Times reported that in the past decade, the cost of producing solar power has dropped 80% — a shift that is pricing dirtier energy sources like coal and natural gas out of the energy market. In 2017, coal-hungry China added 53 gigawatts of solar power, eclipsing the total solar output of most nations. Morocco, Egypt and even the oil-exporting United Arab Emirates are investing in renewable power. More than half of the world’s new capacity for making energy comes from renewable sources such as wind and solar.
The Buffoon at the White House who daily opens mouth and shamelessly puts his incredible ignorance on display is saying that he knows that the earth is warming but still doesn’t buy into the science.
Also Rid the Airwaves of Trump’s Chronic Liars
Chuck Todd made the right decision.
Now, take it a step further, and rid the airwaves of Trump liars and apologists that surface on “debate” panels and are strictly there for entertainment purposes and ratings.
A glaring example is Chris Cuomo allowing Kellanne Conway nearly 40 minutes to rant and rave and sling BS. If Trump claims the sky was purple, these idiots and political leeches would agree and argue this until hell freezes over.
It is a waste of time to interview someone whose only loyalty is to a fat paycheck, a big title, and some power with the corrupt Trump administration. Someone who understands facts and truth yet chooses to lie and mislead people. Or, someone paid and propped up by the networks, especially by CNN to serve on a “debate” panel solely to defend whatever Trump does or says.
There should be conservative voices, viewpoints, opposition. It is essential to have a balanced political system where two sides of issues can be heard from intelligent spokespeople who understand the problem and offer solutions.
People also don’t want to hear the Politically Correct Left from the Land of the Easily Offended try to gift-wrap hurt feelings and continuously throw money at problems or offer crazy solutions to serious problems like immigration by advocating getting rid of ICE.
After the Rodney King beating, nobody wanted to get shut down the LAPD – it took years, but the LAPD is in better now that it is under new management, civilian oversight along with cameras and tight supervision.
Crime is down in L.A., according to reports.
Much of the Hire-a-Trump-Liar program is on cable TV, especially on CNN, which pays clowns to entertain viewers and passing this off as news and legitimate “debate.”