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“Mafioso Don“
The orange buffoon puts teen-aged girls at the mall to shame with his Twitter use that often relies on giddy, immature messages; woeful attempts at high-school humor; name calling and unfiltered adolescence.
The problem is that he is the president of the United States and the leader of the free world.
Muslim Rugs on the Border
President Donald Trump on Friday morning promoted an unfounded claim from a conservative newspaper purporting that Islamic prayer rugs have been found scattered along the border, according to published reports.
It’s no secret that Trump goes inside the darkest corners of his ass and pulls out the most outlandish, weird and crazy conspiracies, lies and paranormal crap and shares them with the world or some loon, racist or paranoid followers will tell Trump things, and he repeats what he hears even though there is no basis of fact or a shred of reality.
BTW: The “reporter” who wrote this story for this right-wing rag, the Washington Examiner, should be fired along with his or her editor.
This is tabloid journalism at its best.
“Dangerous Woman”
Actor James Woods called Congressional Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “the most dangerous person in the nation.”
Woods is a creation of the Hollywood scripts that have been handed to him. Reading other people words and learning their lines doesn’t make you who you are.
AOC would be spooky if she wasn’t as articulate and intelligent as she is.
She is dangerous because she practices what she preaches and has never subscribed to the “if they go low, we go high” BS.
Hit them with the truth and facts. Hit them hard and don’t mince words. Call out their hypocrisy. Flick on the light, and they’ll scramble like kitchen roaches.
Nobody has to agree with everything AOC says or does. But she has more testosterone than most Republicans and their apologists.
“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.” — Aristotle
Gates of Hell
William Barr, contestant number two for the title of U.S.Attorney General, indicated that he might redact portions of Mueller’s report based on the facts. When pressed about the “facts” by California Congressional Rep. Kamala Harris, Barr replied the facts according to the law. He made it seem as though he would decide what the American people will get to see in this report and what is kept in the dark.
Whether this pompous ass Barr gives Mueller’s final report his Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval or cast shade on what in that report might see the light of day is irrelevant.
The report will bust through the Gates of Hell and crush any attempts at censorship because most sane Americans are now outraged and will demand to know what goes on inside the mind of a mentally unstable man, thief, crook, and liar who is now a clear and present danger to the United States and the free world.
Who has the nuclear launch codes in his pocket and close ties with Moscow.
Actor James Woods said Congressional Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “the most dangerous person in the nation.”
Woods is a creation of the Hollywood scripts that have been handed to him. Reading other people words and learning their lines doesn’t make you who you are.
AOC would be spooky if she wasn’t as articulate and intelligent as she is.
She is dangerous because she practices what she preaches and has never subscribed to the “if they go low, we go high” BS.
Hit them with the truth and facts. Hit them hard and don’t mince words. Call out their hypocrisy. Flick on the light, and they’ll scramble like kitchen roaches.
Nobody has to agree with everything AOC says or does. But she has more testosterone than most Republicans and their apologists.
“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.” — Aristotle
Coulter’s Dark Side
Trump is terrified of losing the support of three, right-wing bigots — Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity. It would mean losing what is left of his supporters.
Trump’s three amigos are the reason the government is shut down and tens of thousands of federal workers are struggling.
Hannity and Limbaugh are two-legged zits at the end of Trump’s exhaust pipe and Republican cheerleaders. Hannity and Limbaugh know that feeding the loons neatly packaged racism and hate is a money-making venture.
However, Coulter who is a frequent Fox pundit is the most dangerous.
Her hateful remarks about migrants include killing them.
“I mean, unless they’re going to shoot one and send a message to the rest,” Coulter told radio host Lars Larson. “If you shoot one to encourage the others, maybe they’ll learn, but otherwise, we’ll see, we’ll see.”
She also called for shooting migrants or invading Mexico on Fox’s Jeanine Pirro show.
Fox News, however, thought the best description for those comments was “Coulter urges Trump to follow through on tough border talk.”
The Washington Post also has a Youtube video on Coulter’s viciousness and hate including that she was disappointed that Oklahoma City federal building bomber, Timothy McVeigh, didn’t go to the New York Times building.
So why aren’t these facts not seen the light of day in the media about these characters, especially Coulter, who have Trump’s ear?
Reports indicate that Trump relies on this two-legged trio of garbage to shape and push his domestic policy. Trump shut down the government after listening to the three bigots, according to news reports.
BTW: Where is Mitch McConnell? Why isn’t he bringing the vote to stop the shutdown to the U.S. Senate?
Perhaps, he hiding at his wife’s office, Elaine Chao, who was appointed by Trump as head of the U.S. Transportation Department.
How much influence does she have in shaping McConnell’s decisions in the Senate? Perhaps, McConnell of his wife losing her job, power, and perks.
If it looks like a duck...
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…
When Trump first took office, the networks pundits and hosts were studying, analyzing and trying to unravel a con man as though they were staring at an Egyptian enigma with a political game book written in hieroglyphs.
The network talk gurus parse Trump’s words and sifted through his thoughts, speculated on his insights, hoping bread crumbs would be left behind to scrutinize his character and leadership.
This duck, many years earlier, had already left behind words and deeds — plenty of them. A dark highway of racism, sexual deviancy, incessant lying, vulgarity, sexism, and of course, no apologies.
Still, millions held their breath, some inside voting booths, and hoped this unpolished buffoon once in the White House China Shop would be overwhelmed, come to his senses and appreciate the breathtaking responsibility of the job. The work of being president of the world’s most admired and envied democracy and leader of the free world.
That Trump would honor the oath of office, respect the constitution and the rule of law.
More than two years later, it is apparent that the con man will never abandon the Art of the Con.
Many came to the realization that Trump’s grotesque greed and coarse mouth are as much ingrained into his psyche as white is on rice.
Hundreds of years ago, Abraham Lincoln understood how power and character are intertwined and sometimes separate from adversity.
Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
The Party of Lincoln still doesn’t get it: Trump has been repeatedly tested for courage, compassion, integrity, and leadership, and he has failed miserably.
Now, the news pundits have shifted their analysis/speculation about Trump’s ties to Russia while millions have come to the realization that Trump is a clear and present danger to the United States and the free world.
Trump goes and visits with Putin with a translator and the nuclear launch code in his pocket. That underscores the seriousness of removing this deranged man from office.
William P. Barr who is trying to be the next attorney general is a charmer who just lulled Democrats to sleep with his mesmerizing legal razzle-dazzle and bogus reassurances.
He is on a Kamikaze mission for Trump because his legal career is short-lived and his allegiance is to the Republican Party whose supporters see themselves under siege by liberals. They, in some respects, regard Trump as their political messiah who will lead them to the Conservative Promise Land.
The Republicans have always had an “us and them” mentality, and much of it is based on skin pigmentation.
The party, after all, wants to wall off Mexico to keep the Brown hoards (them) out of the U.S.
Barr told Calif. Senator Kamala Harris that he will look at Mueller’s report and withhold information he deems not worthy to see the light of day. Harris asked: Based on what? He replied: the facts. What facts? She asked. The facts according to the law. Barr will do Trump’s bidding at the DOJ.
Pentagon’s Papers Please Program
Washington Post Headlines (Jan. 16, 2019): Pentagon developing plan to scrutinize recruits with green cards and other foreign ties, memos show
The Party of Bigotry wants to ask the citizenship question on the Census and now, try their very best to make life miserable and intimidate those who are serving to protect this country.
Where are the veterans groups on this? If a soldier’s conduct is dishonorable, court-martial him or her and boot them out of the military. Don’t back-door racism and hatred and paranoia to target these American servicemen and women.
This must be White House racist Stephen Miller’s belated Christmas gift.
The bigger issue is that this is being done by the coward in the White House who dodged Vietnam by getting four deferments for bone spurs.