By Raul Hernandez
[email protected]
“It’s just a really bizarre case,” said Arcata Police Lt. Todd Dockweiler.
That’s an understatement.
Princess the 400-pound California pig wandered off from her owner’s property in Humbolt County. The pig was hanging out in someone’s yard. An officer found her and asked the property owner if he could keep the pig in the yard.
He happily agreed to do so, according to the SFGate.
“Her owner was already looking for her too, so she was easy to identify. But when the officer went back to retrieve Princess from the yard about an hour later, he stumbled upon something shocking: a butchering in progress,” SFGate reported.
The animal had been butchered by the neighbor, who is charged with theft of livestock.
No doubt that the savages next door would have barbecued the cat. This is terrible. Pets are like family members.
I had two bulldogs, Muggs, and Ms. Piggy, who I loved very much. I also found a cockatiel on top of the roof of my two-story apartment complex. I talked the bird for about five minutes until he flew down and landed on top of the hood of my SUV.
I approached and got closer, too close. The bird flew back up on the roof. I stayed there until the bird flew down again and landed on the handle of the SUV. I carefully approached, again. I snatched him up, and he bit me. I put him in the vehicle.
I bought the bird a small cage and figured I would bill its owner.
I posted ads and contacted the Animal Shelter. Nothing.
Pretty Bird stuck around for 10 years. He brought a lot of joy in my life and had his own stubborn personality. I spoiled him.
When he died, it was as though I lost a family member. I love animals, but this is my “pet peeve” excuse the pun.
If Princess had lived in some California cities, she would have been allowed in some grocery stores if the owner said she was a “comfort pet.”
About eight months ago, I went to the Ralph’s in Santa Barbara and saw an out of control Doberman Pincher licking the wrapped meat at the Butcher Shop.
Two weeks ago, there was a “No Animals Allowed” sign at Ralphs stating that “comfort pets” don’t qualify as working animals under the Disabilities Act. Apparently, people have complained.
Went to Vons in Montecito, California recently, and I thought I was at the PetSmart.
Apparently, they didn’t get the message. There are health and disability laws on the books that aren’t being enforced.
Benito is Blushing
The New York Times editorial Friday takes on an issue on whether Trump can block people from seeing the messages he posts on his personal Twitter account.
The Times reports that Trump blocked people a number of times while using his platform to conduct presidential business, like dismissing his secretary of state and barring transgender troops from serving in the military.
Last year, a judge ruled that “…Trump no choice but to comply with the Constitution and unblock the plaintiffs — as well as dozens of other users who came forward during the litigation.”
But the Justice Department appealed and stated that Twitter is a private company, not a public forum where the First Amendment applies.
This is incredible.
Trump’s store-bought DOJ is wasting taxpayers’ money and resources defending a thin-skin narcissist con man. Trump uses White House resources, taxpayers’ time and money to launch tirades, lies and further advance conspiracy theories— no feedback, facts or criticism allowed.
The DOJ diving into this matter at the behest of Dear Leader is laughable since the FCC takes an opposing viewpoint: “…the public interest is best served by permitting free expression of views.”
FCC website: “The Commission recognizes that, under our Constitution, people must be free to say things that the majority may abhor, not only what most people may find tolerable or congenial.”
This applies to all Americans. We must all put on our seatbelts and be prepared to get our butt hurt or PC rattled.
There are few restrictions and no exceptions for presidents. Trump is trying to hide behind his security blankets — his Twitter account along with being able to run to Fox, Sean Hannity and company, to get his ego stroked and tell his cult following how great he single-handedly saved the nation.
Or, run to makeshift Klan rallies disguised as political platforms, held mostly for adoring crowds in the Midwest or South, so Trump can wave his arms and let the world know how great he is — speeches and theatrics that would make Benito Mussolini blush. President Truman summed it up best about Trump’s version of hell: “I don’t give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it’s Hell.”
Trump’s Criminal and Financial Empire about to Implode
Washington Post Graphic
Excellent investigative reporting by the Washington Post on Thursday.
They say a grand jury will indict a ham sandwich.
But according to the DOJ’s in-house policy, sitting presidents are off limits so a ham sandwich stands a better chance of being indicted than Trump, despite millions of dollars spent on a two-year investigation that produced thousands of documents; dozens of subpoenas; a 300-page report.
Mueller’s best evidence on an obstruction of justice charge is Exhibit A: Donald Trump.
Trump hung himself publicly on the matter of obstruction of justice with his own words and deeds
Reading today’s Washington report by Mr. Farenthold and Mr. O’Connell, it appears that Trump and his Organized Crime Family have established a practice and pattern of bank fraud through inflated assets and a comedic, jaw-dropping fudging of the financial numbers to skew his net worth.
For example, the Washington Post’s report states: “Trump’s financial statement for 2011 said he had 55 home lots to sell at his golf course in Southern California. Those lots would sell for $3 million or more, the statement said.
But Trump had only 31 lots zoned and ready for sale at the course, according to city records. He claimed credit for 24 lots — and at least $72 million in future revenue — he didn’t have.
He also claimed his Virginia vineyard had 2,000 acres, when it really has about 1,200. He said Trump Tower has 68 stories. It has 58,” according to the report.
Trump’s Criminal and Financial Empire are about to implode.