Facebook is a boil on the world’s a**.
However, let’s face it, we incessantly post on Facebook. We share, shock and awe.
Who can resist the puppy; baby; look-what-I-had-for-lunch; graduation and blushing-brides pics?
We are hooked like heroin junkies to Facebook because we believe there is a party out there, and GD it why haven’t we been invited.
We refuse to believe that we are like the rest of America, bored out of our f**king skulls, surfing the web and sorting through hundreds of Netflix movies.
Spoiler Alert: There is no 24/hour party, not even at the Seven/Eleven and never was, not even at Hefner’s House.
In all honesty, we are collectively being punked by the dream merchants like Mark Zuckerberg while they laugh and ring up the cash registers and the ads continue to roll for things we don’t need.
I have no problem with the Drunk Nancy video as long as it comes with a warning that this is simply the current state of prankster politics in the Land of Stupid where Trump is King and his Village Idiots own the swamp.