Alex Acosta is still Labor Secretary because he knows the names of the pedophiles involved in the Jeffrey Epstein sex ring, and nobody should be surprised that Epstein pal, Donald Trump, wasn’t in the thick of it.
Nobody has asked Acosta why he never kept the victims informed about this plea deal or whether he had private meetings about the deal with Epstein’s lawyers?
Acosta let Epstein spend 12 hours a day outside the jail after he plead guilty and was picked up by a personal driver from the jail.
“My relationship with the president is outstanding,” Acosta said. “He has very publicly made clear that I’ve got his support.”
Acosta is proud that he has the support of a man bragged that he loved to grab women by the genitalia; has a dozen women accusing him of sexual abuse (lawsuits pending), including one who alleges Trump raped her, and Trump bragged about being able to walk into a room full beauty pageant contestants who were naked or half-naked because he owned the pageant.
Trump made payments to women to keep them quiet and avoid publicity. Vanity Fair reported today about a private party in Mar a Lago 1992 involving 28 girls attended only by Epstein and Trump.
What is just as bad is that Democrats did an abysmal job of vetting Acosta when he was a nominee for Labor Secretary.
Eventually, Epstein along with his recruiters, money men, schedulers, planners and office managers and others will talk to avoid prison or shave time off from long prison sentences.
The Hijacked Fourth of July
This celebration orchestrated by Trump was nothing more than a Loon-Town event with Daffy Duck in charge.
It was inevitable that Trump would hijack an American holiday, nothing is revered to Trump but Trump.
A draft dodger who pretends to salute the military and then mocks its war heroes and disrespects its generals. Trashes American intelligent agencies to side with his pal Putin.
Trump praises thugs/gangster strongmen who terrorize their people, want to kill American servicemen, destroy our democracy and wouldn’t think twice about launching nuclear missiles and wiping out American cities if they knew there wouldn’t be any retaliation.
CNN and MSNBC pundits will parse words today about what Trump said and didn’t say in his “speech,” as though it was George Washington giving his farewell address to the troops.
It’s not complicated.
Trump is an ignorant, insecure little man who knows his nefarious past is about to land on him like a Wurlitzer piano.
This month, Mueller will give public testimony before Congress. It will be like turning on a kitchen light switch and scattering the roaches.
Is it a coincidence that Trump will hold a campaign rally in North Carolina on the same day Mueller testifies?
Of course, not. Trump is desperately trying to drown out the sunlight by closing his eyes, repeating his lapdog lawyer Willam Barr’s lies and decrying truth with his favorite mantra: “Fake News.”
Trump is running scared, and this is a clear and present danger to national security
America should have strong immigration laws that are also compassionate, fair, and just.
The border needs to beef up its technology; hire more immigration judges and border patrol agents along with helping Third World countries and setting up a massive Guest Worker Program, similar to the Canadian model.
Mexico has sent workers to Canada for four decades. The U.S. already has a small guest worker program that is inadequate.
Qualified workers can work in the U.S. and be allowed to leave the country to go back home and return every year.
Here is a suggestion: Those people seeking asylum along with other immigrants who have been screened can be allowed to participate in the Guest Worker program.
Part of their wages can be used to pay for the program and their employers can also contribute to a fund that will pay for transportation, medical costs, housing and a private pension fund that will be given to workers when they retire.
Funds from foreign aid to certain foreign counties are used to pay for the program.
Workers can be protected from exploitation. And, they will be allowed to chose from three regions in the U.S. where they prefer to work.
A few months later, they will go back to their countries after making money used to support their families and countries’ economies.
Employers can recruit individual workers. Workers who commit felonies or misdemeanors are automatically kicked out of the program.
Asylum seekers can wait in countries of origin while they are in the worker program.
Stephanie Grisham waltzed into the hearts of many American journalists when she jostled with one of North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un’s goons who was apparently trying to block access to stateside reporters.
Grisham is succeeding Sanders as press secretary, and she used a contentious moment during President Trump’s Sunday visit to North Korea, according to the Post.
Grisham’s elbows are sharp.
She is tough, and hopefully, she will bring some civility and order to the White House press room.
Grisham is being packaged as new and improved. A Joan of Arc of sorts on a mission to defend the First Amendment.
Call me crazy, but she will be like the rest of them and kowtow to Trump’s whims, cons, and tantrums and become a combative liar that dodges questions, tap dances around the truth and flings the lies.
However, when compared to the cow with a scowl, she will be more aesthetically pleasing.
The New York Times reported today that Robert S. Mueller III, the former special counsel, agreed to testify in public before Congress next month about his investigation into Russia’s election interference and possible obstruction of justice by President Trump.
Coming nearly three months after the release of Mr. Mueller’s report, two back-to-back hearings on July 17 before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees promise to be among the most closely watched spectacles ofTrump’s presidency, according to the NYT.
Mueller should have been subpoenaed weeks ago. Russia is trying to destroy our democracy, and they favor their Manchurian Candidate, Trump.
It’s no secret that trump is desperately trying to keep the dam from breaking and unleashing a flood of information that will crumble his financial and criminal empire.
When cornered, what does Trump tend to do?
Make threats, cage children, impose tariffs or look for wars. He believes will take the heat off of all the investigations against the Trump Crime Family. Also, there are civil lawsuits, including those for sexual abuse.
There is no reason why the American people shouldn’t hear Mueller testify. The taxpayers paid his salary and should get all the facts and details in plain English.
The American people should keep in mind that Mueller and the current Attorney General Barr are pals from their Republican days at the DOJ.
So, no one should expect Mueller to interpret try and tap dance around the questions he is asked and not make any strong statements against Barr’s distortions and lies to protect Trump.
America is in perilous times. Trump is looking for a war. He is a nefarious, egotistical and mentally unstable con man who would ignite a war with Iran in that region and shutdown world economies.
Worse, Trump has no qualms about sacrificing other people’s kids in a war or creating millions of more refugees to save his own politically cornered keister.
Meanwhile, Pelosi is taking a political approach to impeaching Trump. Don’t expect help from the Republican Party only excuses and explanations about why Trump is ignorant and impulsive.
NYT Editorial: Restraint and Patience … and Donald Trump
Given a clearly flawed decision-making process, President Trump was right to buy himself time on Iran.
Trump is not an Egyptian enigma where hieroglyphics is deciphered to find clues that determine the thinking of ancient people.
Trump is dolt who relies upon impulse and ignorance rather than facts, reason, and critical thinking to make decisions.
The NYT’s analysis assumes that he can make coherent sentences from the English language. And, that his attention span allows him to read the entire Editorial without being distracted by a shiny object or two.
NYT states: “Mr. Trump said he was “in no hurry” to retaliate. Such patience is wise. Perhaps he can use the additional time to sort out what is a chaotic decision-making process.”
Chaotic is the right word. But better words are scrambled, dark, or labyrinthine decision-making process.
If reports are correct, Fox cheerleader/chief Trump defender, Tucker Carlson, talked Donald out of taking out an Iranian missile site that could have caused 150 casualties to retaliate for the downing of a drone.
This missile strike would have ignited a bloody war after one of the chief religious lunatics in Iran would have come down from the mountain with a divine decree: God wants the blood of infidels as revenge for “The Believers” who sacrificed on the altar of Trump.
And, it was Trump who walked away from a nuclear agreement with Iran that was signed by among others Russia, England, Germany, France, and China.
Monitors indicate that Iran was in full compliance.
So, Trump started this fire, and the NYT is telling him not to play with matches at the gas station.
NYT Editorial: A Blow Against Racism in Jury Selection
The Supreme Court took a Mississippi prosecutor to task for repeatedly excluding black jurors from a murder trial.
I covered courts for 18 years as a reporter at four different newspapers.
In 2005, I wrote a story on the jury system at the Ventura County Courts in California.
Why jurors were mostly older white people, and most of the criminal defendants were Hispanics?
Court administrators couldn’t provide any answers other than people in some regions of the county don’t answer their jury summons, predominately where Hispanics reside.
So, where were the areas where people didn’t respond to the summonses?
Didn’t have that information because they didn’t keep track of how many summonses were going out or how many were returned by prospective jurors.
We don’t keep track of addresses, they said.
What about zip codes? Nope.
Gradually, jurors started to look like the population of the county after the story was published.
There were more than a dozen judges on the bench in Ventura County in 2005, predominately white men. Two or three minorities.
The population of Ventura County is about 850,000 people, about 14 percent are Hispanic.
Most recently, there have been improvements on the Ventura County bench.
However, here are 2016 facts in California:
Blacks: (6.6 percent in 2015 compared to 4.4 percent in 2006);
Hispanic: (9.9 percent in 2015 compared to 6.3 percent in 2006 according to the Judicial Branch of the California Courts report in 2016.
Hispanics comprise the majority of the population in so-called “progressive” California.
Friday’s Supreme Court ruling just sent a strong message to the nation’s courts — diversify.