Headline: “Are a few Republican consciences finally beginning to awake?” Really?
What happened to their “consciences” when Trump told them where he was coming from long before the presidential elections?
Where is this sudden surge of Born-Again Republicans coming from?
Why weren’t there any of these Come-to-Jesus moments in 2016?
BTW: Have you looked at the polls lately? The lying, con man has popularity ratings that consistently hover in the mid-40s.
The joke here is that millions of whites deny being racists yet support a man with mental health issues who is endorsed by White Supremacists, Nazis, and David Duke.
Many of Trump’s ardent supporters wear guns and badges, don judicial robes, answer jury summons, and do the hiring at corporate offices.
Naw, you’re not a racist. You support one because Trump helps you make a buck. He is good for Wall Street.
He keeps you safe from the “others” and is even willing to put the military along the southern border to stop “the Brown invasion.”
Put on the red “Make America Great, Again” cap and turn on the TV and watch Trump making America great again.
But naw, you’re not a racist.
Feel better?
Cotton is merely saying what many Republican legislators say behind closed doors.
What he said is outrageous and incendiary, but this is America, and Cotton is entitled to his opinion.
People shouldn’t be afraid of clowns in white sheets. It is clear what’s on their minds and in their dark hearts.
Those who don the smiles, wear the expensive suits, metal flag pins on their lapels and try to articulate their racism and legitimize their ignorance, however, are the ones to fear.
They are the ones who usually hold power when they are looking at a piece of legislation or someone’s job resume.
Cotton just told the nation and the world who he is, and we need to thank him for this.
This Republican is a sad, sorry man who would send the military to round up, shoot and kill American protestors, the vast majority who are peacefully protesting.
Basically, Cotton wants to use a shotgun to kill a fly.
When you shine a light on the “Band of Brothers” BS and start peeling back the layers of the misuse of power, arrogance, and the us-and-them mindset, cops aren’t happy.
The secrets of policing become open to scrutiny, accountability.
Cops will strike back, and it’s usually on those shining the light – reporters. I
was a newspaper reporter for more than three decades, with eighteen years of covering the courts. So I know a little bit about how the game is played.
News reports are beginning to focus on the lucrative contracts police have with cities, fat salaries, plenty of overtime, and other perks.
Arrangements that make it hard to fire a thug policing the streets with a gun and badge. The police unions make sure the contracts are airtight, plenty of other perks.
In exchange, the politicians who approve the contracts pose next to police union members after getting endorsements. Now, politicos, including prosecutors, are allowed to brag that they are tough on crime.
They got the police union’s Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, the political ads state.
The law-and-order public loves it and laps this up.
In the middle are the poor and minorities who are usually cannon fodder in this political dance.
So in many neighborhoods with one swoop of the wholesale brush, people of color and the poor are treated as less than human, not entitled or worth of dignity or respect. After all, they must all be guilty of something.
No doubt, policing in this country is a very tough job.
The suicide rates, divorces, and alcoholism among cops are high, and something needs to be done to make sure they get mental health services while on the job.
However, this is no reason to kill or brutalize a human being, and those that do so should be disciplined or sent to prison.
Yeah, there are good cops, but they don’t stand around and watch a handcuffed man being beaten to death or kneed in the throat until his life slowly slips away.
The Orange Banshee in the White House steps all over its fact-free tongue and wants the ability to send Tweets to millions of stupid and gullible followers without consequences.
He wants to continue to say stupid, mythical, magical things or to share his home recipes of Juju cures for viruses, warts, or whatever ails anyone.
Trump doesn’t want to be bothered with facts, science, truth, or reality.
Nobody would care if this buffoon was in his underwear in his mother’s basement doing this. But this dementia-ridden who is posing as the United States leader and the free world is doing this from the White House and has the nuclear launch codes in his pocket.
It is not beyond this vindictive, dark soul to Tweet that he launched nukes to North Korea to test its defense capabilities.
Fox News would praise the lunatic for being a skillful military tactician, and the Mitch McConnell-led Republican Congress’ collective jaws would drop. They wouldn’t do anything, however, because they now fear the Frankenstein they created, the GOP’s standard-bearer.
If Democrats put aside their political egos, they will run more ads featuring the Buffoon-in-Chief’s absurd, jaw-dropping remarks and reckless deeds regarding policies from economic to the environment to the pandemic etc.
Donald Trump’s recent suggestion that Clorox, disinfectants and bright light might wipe out a deadly virus is equivalent to swinging a dead chicken above your head during a bloodletting in the middle of an exorcism.
This Clorox cure is hilarious and a political ad by the Democrats that would shine light on Trump’s dull, dementia-ridden brain at work.
Trump is a danger to American democracy and national security.
What’s the ancient saying: “When your enemy is in the process of destroying himself, stay out of his way.”
In this case, help Trump self-destruct by running political ads that highlight what he is: a cartoon character, not to be taken seriously.
ATLANTA — The director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Friday it will continue investigating the death of Ahmaud Arbery, including the man who filmed the incident in a video. — USA Today
There is something to be said about a state or areas in the nation where ignorance, racism, and fear run amuck, unashamedly.
Where hundreds of thousands of unstable people are running around with assault rifles. Where these armed bus-stop warriors can inject themselves into peaceful protests at state capitals to intimidate and try to instill fear.
States where “stand your ground” laws are interpreted as licenses to kill people who are perceived as threats to their way of life simply because of the color of their skin.
Where District Attorneys allow these armed thugs to kill without consequences by conducting flimsy, Good Housekeeping-Seal of Approval investigations, and therefore, by default, become the underwriters of these homicides.
Where nothing is done until videos of these killings or brutality surface, and there is public outrage and officials start falling over each other to make arrests. Then, the red-white-and-blue, America-the-Beautiful speeches about justice are waved.
Georgia, I am certain, is where many fine and decent people live. But for what it’s worth, I’m not going to visit Georgia or any of these states or attend conventions there.
States who continue to vote for and support Trump or Trump supporters are not on my GPS, period.
Trump’s popularity alone in these states is enough to gauge the mental health of millions of people who live in these places.
Mental illness, fear, paranoia, and ignorance are explosive when combined with assault weapons and hate.
There are no lessons ever learned in these incidents because the players and their enablers are comfortable with their racism and hate.
Why would anyone want to run through these white neighborhoods in many of these states with fear lingering in his or her mind? Fear of being forced to stop to be interrogated or simply ambushed and shot by “citizens” because of a person’s skin pigmentation.
The yokels even video recorded their kill as though they were going to proudly mount it over the fireplace like a deer head.
Quite frankly, I don’t want to go to restaurants or churches where Neanderthals dressed like Rambos ready to storm a beach are allowed to enter with assault rifles over their shoulders, daring someone to challenge or question their Second Amendment right.
These bus-stop warriors/pretenders/clowns will never join the military because they might have to go hunt for armed people who are out hunting for them.
That takes balls not false bravado: a pretentious, swaggering display of courage.