The book by Mary Trump gives the details of why this guy’s brain got broke decades ago and how it happened.
People still voted for him, millions of them. Thousands still show up at his political rallies.
But what is more sad is that the cable news pundits were trying to analyze “President Trump” when he first took office as though he was an Egyptian enigma written in hieroglyphics.
“What do you think the president is signaling now?” I recall one moron saying. What do you think?
These imbecile TV pundits and analysts needed lights from watchtowers to guide them through the obviously deranged highway inside Trump’s skull.
Now that it is safe to leap off the Trump Titanic, most of these “pundits” are critical of Trump.
Long before Trump took office, he had a track record. This includes: Mocking the disabled and Gold Star parents. He went through several bankruptcies and cheated people who did business with him. He scammed hardworking people through Trump University. More than two dozen women accused him of being a pervert. He stole from charities.
According to Mary Trump’s book, he ripped off his relatives out of hundreds of millions of dollars by hiding money from them.
Trump remains silent as his pal, Putin, issues contract hits on American military service members.
And today, the lunatic sends two of his rubber stamps — Pence and Betsy Voss — unashamedly out on stage to convince sane parents that it is safe to send their children back to schools.
Ignore medical experts and professionals’ advice because Uncle Donald needs to thump his chest and hang a “Mission Accomplished ” banner at the Republican National Convention.
Yeah, right.
The media is doing a good job of posting the facts and stats about the Coronavirus.
But they haven’t emphasized what can happen if a hurricane hits the country or earthquake, massive fires or a commercial airline crashes, and there aren’t enough hospital beds or ventilators because of the pandemic.
It is a strong argument for the use of face masks and social-distancing for those who don’t believe they can get the virus.
In Santa Barbara County, all the beaches were closed today.
This week, however, the Santa Barbara City Council Mayor Cathy Murillo and council members Friedman and Jordon voted to keep the city beaches open.
Surrounding counties, Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo beaches were closed.
So guess what was going to happen? Thousands were heading to SB’s city beaches.
Today, this all changed, all beaches were ordered closed by the County Public Health Department due to the anticipated “high volume of people” at our beaches during the July 4th weekend.
Thank God reasonable heads prevailed and not local politics.
Santa Barbara has been through fires, earthquakes, and a tragic flood in neighboring Montecito, where 23 people were killed in the mudslide on Jan. 9, 2018.
Santa Barbara is a community of about 100,000 residents.
Like other similar or smaller communities, a major disaster, airline crash, massive shooting or traffic accident will be a medical nightmare when all ICU beds and ventilators in a community aren’t available.
A lot of police reform can happen almost overnight in America.
Here is how it can happen:
First of all, fire thugs with guns and badges and get rid of racists. If they commit crimes, arrest, and jail
cops. If found guilty, send them to prison.
This is what happens to civilians who commit crimes.
Monitor what some of these thugs and racists with badges are doing on the streets. One way this can be done through random and periodic checks of the police cams that they wear on patrol.
If some cops repeatedly turn the body cams off, fire them.
The Wilmington Police Department did this monitoring, and it found three vile racists within the ranks:
Stop the political pandering of police unions. Vote against politicians who get a lot of cash from police unions.
Restart federal investigations of out-of-control police departments by the DOJ. Several police departments, including Chicago and Albuquerque, were investigated by the feds, and reports were published.
These investigations were stopped by Trump’s former lapdog Jeff Sessions.
Washington Post reported on June 15, 2017: “Sessions has said he aims to put the Justice Department on a more pro-police footing.
“Last month, he reversed an Obama administration move to restrict shipments of military surplus gear to police departments, saying in a speech that “the previous administration was more concerned about the image of law enforcement being too ‘militarized’ than they were about our safety.”
Good, honest cops are worth their weight in gold. They need to be paid well and given great medical and health benefits for the jobs they do, including mental health services.
Cops have very tough jobs. They have high rates of divorce, suicides, and alcoholism.
To do serious and meaningful police reform, voters need to first eradicate Republican cancer in Washington D.C.

Hundreds of thousands of people died in that war.
” At least 618,000 Americans died in the Civil War, and some experts say the toll reached 700,000. The number that is most often quoted is 620,000. At any rate, these casualties exceed the nation’s loss in all its other wars, from the Revolution through Vietnam,” according to Civil War Home.