Now, the New York Times is promising to air out more stories about The Emperor not having any clothes and that Trump owes the IRS $70 million and is broke.
Those suckers and losers who were mesmerized and fell in love with this political facade got punked.
Big Time.
They were lured by the Idiot, who made them believe that he lived in a mythical village where the streets were paved in gold.
Breakout the MAGA hats and gasoline cans.
Cameras are shining the light on this brutality, abuse, and fatal shooting of unarmed people.
Embarrassed, politicians, police union bosses, and prosecutors were able to explain all this away. Now, it is getting more difficult to do so, if not impossible.
Cameras give the public front-row seats into the Rodney King-type beatings, abuse, and worse, killings taking place in real-time before crowds and in broad daylight.
This has triggered another wave of angry protests is happening.
Protests that are getting more relentless, and receiving more support, including the NFL and NBA.
But Chauvin didn’t happen overnight. The Chauvins of policing have been terrorizing communities, especially those of color, for years. They are still allowed free reign, and this can be underscored by the other three cops who witnessed Chauvin mete out his brand of street thuggery unabated.
They stopped any interference from a crowd of people pleading for Chauvin to stop. If a picture is worth a thousand words, Chauvin looked like a fox guarding his prey against other predators while seeming to delight in the kill.
Chauvin is what happens when there is no accountability or transparency, and brutal and rogue cops are allowed to run rampant and terrorize people in the name of law-and-order.
Cameras, however, are making this much more difficult to do, to explain away and suggest new-and-improved training.
The headline on Eugene Robinson’s op-ed piece: “Trump’s trying to scare up a win in November. Don’t assume it will work.”
In the Land of Stupid, where most of the inhabitants seem to be Trump supporters, it is easy to create bogeymen and then offers scapegoats to blame. It’s easy to do because it works.
Just dump a mountain of BS, conspiracy and fear on the gullible on Facebook, Tik Tock, Youtube, or other social media. Memes work best.
Stoke the fires of hate and repeat that scary lie: Psst — the “other” is coming to take what they have.
Overwhelm fearful minds and they will run like chickens with their heads cut off, and it’s usually straight into the arms of a political Jim Jones-like Trump. Con men offering simple solutions to complex problems.
Hey, the masses want their itchy ears scratched right after they stampede to the grocery stores to empty all the Charmin shelves.
In the Land of One Nation Under God, Trump’s has told more than 20,000 lies; pumped out one wild conspiracy after another out of his keister; malign honorable people; sexually abused women; trashed American heroes, veterans; praised racists; sided with Putin against the nation’s intelligence services, turned his back on American allies like NATO and the Kurds and the beat goes on and on and on. Despite all this, Trump’s polls still hover in the mid-to-low 40s.
What does this say about America?
This idiot’s whim-driven stupidity is breathtaking.
Hopefully, Trump doesn’t get ahead of himself and discovers the device with the nuclear codes in his pockets and asks one of his stooges how it works.
Daily, Trump reminds me of a circus elephant parading down Main Street with the street sweeper right behind the animal to clean up the mess.
Trump’s mountain of BS that he drops on a daily would require a fleet of street sweepers and forklifts to clean up his verbal mess.
Then, those usually doing PR control — Fox News hosts and McEnany — are put in an uncomfortable spot.
Well, Trump really didn’t mean what he said. The Village Idiot was just being an idiot and was working without a safety net — a written script on a teleprompter.
Cue: Looney Tunes Opening Theme:
That’s all, Folks!
The GOP’s Jim Jones
Trump is the Jim Jones of politics whose cult-like followers lack critical thinking skills.
Many are lazy-minded and have wild imaginations that concoct nefarious conspiracies or pridefully racist who are losers and failures in life looking for others to blame.
Most are afraid of their shadows, fearful of the unknown.
They are gleefully ignorant souls.
All are looking for an authority figure with visions, lies, and promises
It doesn’t matter if it is an impulsive, lying psychopath with a dull mind and a trunkful of bogeymen and scapegoats he continually promises to slay.
Clean up the red-white-and-blue- optics and Trump’s ra
llies and gatherings are nothing more American snapshots of Germany in the 1930s.
It is the period when Hitler rose to power, and the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act of 1933, giving him expanded authority.
Hitler used populist themes and knew how to exploit fear, resentment, and insecurity when German society was undergoing hardships.
As a result of Hitler’s “Make Germany Great, Again” vision, there were 39 million deaths because of World War II in Europe alone.
Trump can’t cause that much damage. America is a country of checks and balances in government.
If Trump’s ego is bruised or he feels slighted, his impulses might lead him to start a war — on a whim; he pulled troops who were protecting the Kurds out of Northern Iraq.
Or, Trump, who dodged Vietnam because of bone spur deferments, might need his ego stroked at the expense of American lives like Navy Seal William Ryan Owens:…
There is no way Trump can do the damage done in in World War II.
Well, he has the nuclear launch codes at his fingertips.
During an uncontrollable rage, he could punch the right numbers that will incinerate the world and most of its life forms.
“How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.” — Adolf Hitler
God doesn’t want any part of this religious hate, paranoia, and fear.
Many of these churches have become nothing more than recruitment and indoctrination centers for the Republican Party and Donald Trump.
They will never admit it but the racist dog whistles are sprinkled in the sermons and served up with three-dollar smiles.
Places where the collection plate is more important than souls.
Where truth is neatly tucked away while everyone inside the “church” plays pretend and goes through the religious motions and mumble-jumble.
They are making a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and worship on the political altar of a criminal con man, St. Donald, who believes he doesn’t need to ask God for forgiveness.
Where the “Pro-Life” crowd gathers to pray for the end of abortions and doesn’t utter a word about children who are caged by their political messiah.
This is the guy whose praises they sing and who gives the devil competition in lying and deceit.
Who promised to take the “faithful” to the Promise Land. A suburban Utopia where whites can feel safe behind the gated communities and non-whites are suspects.
Where they can hide their hypocrisy.
Then, they wonder why church attendance is on the decline.
The video footage quickly spread online as Kenosha became the latest place facing unrest after police violence was caught on camera. Jacob Blake was listed in serious condition, the officers were placed on administrative leave, and the city declared an emergency curfew.”)