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Trump and his Gutter Rats
The twisted, tortured, and the skewed world of the Trump Organized Crime family manages to reach deeper into the cesspools of their collective minds to find new creative ways of distorting the truth.
Their crimes and misdeeds are buried in a mountain of lies with the help of their enablers and supporters.
Investigate Barr and McConnell and McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao, who is currently Trump’s Secretary of Transportation. Chao has used her position for the benefit of her business.
I agree with Ms. Rubin. “Employees who obstructed justice misrepresented facts to courts or lied to Congress must be held responsible under criminal statutes and professional rules of conduct.
State bar authorities will need to step up to identify behavior, which, if allowed to go unpunished, would bring disrepute on the profession and set a bad example for others. If elected, former vice president Joe Biden will need to decide how to clean house, which might involve investigating and holding departed Trump officials responsible.”
Hopefully, Biden and the Democrats will clean house or continue with business as usual until the next con man takes office.
Trump is a modern-day Fagin who uses adult stooges, including Barr and McEnany to steal, rob, lie, and mislead the American people.
Sadly, the lies and cruelty have cost more than 200,000 lives, and some experts predict that the worst is yet to come this fall.
Rid America of this cancer along with the Republican Congress and vote all of them out of office. T
These con men and women/criminals are all dangerous and a threat to Democracy and the nation’s security.
Washington Post Headline: Accused leader of plot to kidnap Michigan governor was struggling financially, living in basement storage space
I am sure that after their mug shots circulate among the prison population, the Bloods, Crips, Black Guerilla Family along with the Mexican Mafia will roll up with the welcome wagon.
“Neighbors Pam and Roger Karshnock said men in camouflage fatigues parked their cars and trucks along the road and fired rifles and other weapons, they said, rattling residents whose children play in the woods,” the WP article stated.
This white spook show only goes so far in certain neighborhoods and places.
But it’s not taken seriously where the Big Boys live, survive, and thrive. That’s a totally different breed of animal. And this let’s-go-capture-the-queen sideshow will not amuse them.
Enjoy your extended stay at the Bed and Breakfast reformatory, boys.
Los Angeles Times story Oct. 5, 2020:
‘Gang-like’ deputy clique exerts ‘undue influence’ at East L.A. station, report says
Link: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-10-05/la-county-sheriff-inspector-general-banditos-deputies
There are thugs with guns and badges working at police departments throughout the nation. The LA County Sheriff is a breeding ground for this scum who brutalize, terrorize, abuse and kill people The last LA County Sheriff Lee Baca is currently serving time in prison for his crimes in allowing sheriff’s deputies to brutalize and beat jail inmates through a deputy gang that was operating out of that facility.
Here is the link to the 32-page Inspector General Huntsman report: https://oig.lacounty.gov/…/Review_Banditos_Investigation.pd…
Good cops are worth their weight in gold.
After Trump leaves office, a federal investigation, similar to the one that resulted in Baca and other high-ranking deputy thugs in prison, needs to be started.
Sheriff Villanueva needs to go before more people are victimized.