R.I.P., G.O.P.The Party of Lincoln had a good run. Then came Mr. Trump. — NYT
I’m JUST SAYING saying that Mr. Lincoln said it best: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
And if he were alive today, Mr. Lincoln would probably do an eye roll and qualify his remark:
“(WFT) is wrong with some of you people that you allow yourselves to be deceived by an orange-colored grifter slinging (BS). And to add insult to injury, one who has the IQ of a baboon.
I don’t understand.
With his odious words and deeds, this imbecile has allowed you to take huge ganders of his dark and decaying soul.
A soul, that may I add, looks like the inside of a Georgia outhouse in the middle of summer and is home base to field mice and other night critters.
Do me a favor, if this is the best that America can do and the country elects this blast of feculent excrescence of Northeastern vulgarity, please remove my monuments, photographs, and assorted mementos from public view.
I want nothing to do with his sorry (expletive deleted) country that every year seems to have a growing bumper crop of idiots, fools, conspirators, and racists.
Gleefully ignorant people who will follow a barnyard pig to the slaughterhouse where hopes, dreams, and democracy go to die.”
Just Saying: (Also Posted NY Times)
By Raul Hernandez
Santa Barbara, California
“Donald Trump can still win the 2020 presidential election; something that has a 10 percent or 15 percent chance of happening can certainly transpire,” wrote Mr. Douthat.
So please STOP the whining.
Be thankful that you live in a free country.
If Trump and the GOP put Jim Crow barriers to keep people from voting or Voter ID laws designed to silence the voices of millions of Americans or other obstacles, go around, through, or over these barriers.
Find a way to cast your vote.
Many people say they are afraid of being mean-mugged by extreme-right scum with guns near voting places. Or, they whine because someone moved their favorite polling place. Or, it’s too far.
How afraid were U.S. soldiers living in the trenches in World War I? The young men who waded into murderous German fire on the beaches of Normandy? The private going through a jungle in Vietnam while watching for bobby traps or an ambush? G.I.s humping through the snow-capped mountains in Korea were cold and scared.
The Marines who went through the terrorist-infested neighborhoods in Fallujah were afraid of what was on the other side of the doors.
Many of the young men and women who fought in America’s many wars never came home. More than 50,000 of them have their names carved on the Vietnam War Memorial in D.C.
Don’t make a mockery of the ultimate sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of American heroes by staying home.
Vote and honor these sacrifices.