NYT Columnist Michelle Goldberg’s wishful thinking. She writes: “And, after four years of cartoonish self-abasement, Republicans with presidential aspirations will have an incentive to help take him down.”
Whether Trump leaves the political stage won’t matter.
He set the stage for another Dark Disturbed Soul, perhaps a kinder-gentler, intelligent version of Trump with a charming smile, to pick up this deranged con man’s political playbook and run in 2024. Shockingly, racism, hatred, fear, and blaming scapegoats are the ingredients to get to the highest office in the nation.
It works in America.
The 71-plus million voters, including the racists, will be waiting, and the ignorant will keep watching or listening right-wing media and parroting the misinformation, fear, hate, and paranoia they learn.
Retooling their arguments, concocting their conspiracies, and polishing the lies.
Sadly, they will get nastier, more hateful, and grow in numbers.
Trump will be around tormenting and seeking revenge but the courts and investigations, for the most part, will keep him busy.
Trump is a monster who lives on cruelty, greed, and the joy of watching others suffer. He thrives on creating chaos and big headlines, being in the news. The stench of Trumpism will be in the air for many years to come.
The real question is, who is making sure that the deranged lying con man doesn’t entertain thoughts of using the device in his pocket with the nuclear launch codes?
People argue that safeguards prevent him from doing so.
Democrats can’t even start the transition process because this woman, Emily Murphy, is a good German and follows orders from the White House bunker.
So, who is in charge of making sure this lunatic who lives in his own reality doesn’t order a nuclear strike somewhere in the world and say he was preventing a serious threat to the United States?
Does Trump make serious military decisions?
He weakened NATO and abandoned the Kurds by pulling out American troops in Iraq who were protecting them.
Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and his followers would still vote for him? I would venture to say that many of his supporters would argue that Trump was only target practicing, and the fool walking down the street got in the way, so he is to blame.
This is all laughable, right, and, some say, a bit paranoid about what can happen.
Well, one of the persons who knows him best, his niece, Mary Trump, said this in an interview on British TV:
‘If he thinks he’s going down, he’s going to try to take the rest of us down with him…Of course, I am serious.”
Seventy million people voted for Trump knowing that he has serious mental problems, is a sexual predator, cages children, was endorsed by white supremacists who he calls “good people,” mocks the disabled, praises America’s enemies and punishes its allies, calls those who died defending our Democracy “suckers” and “losers.”
Uncle Donald’s Darkside was clearly evident through his words and deeds long before he got elected.
So what is he capable of doing in these last days in the White House? Most importantly, who is going to stop him?
The Republican Congress? They are still defending a deranged and delusional con man who lost an election in the United States of America.
The Voter Games Continue
And, the games continue.
Who flexed the most political power? Who got Joe Biden and Kamala Harris elected. Who were the real heroes..etc?
Mostly, it was Sane America — honest, and decent Americans of all sizes, shapes, and colors who went out and voted against vile, vindictive and vulgar con man.
Yes, it was very obvious that some contributed more than others like in the state of Georgia. That was a tremendous voter-registration task spearheaded by Stacy Abrams and Nsé Ufot. The CEO of the New Georgia Project
Some minorities did contributed more than others. That is a fact.
As a Hispanic, we can also be proud of what happened in states like Arizona. Eva Longoria and others, however, should stop crowing about who took down Trump.
Last night, HBO’s John Oliver noted that defeating Trump required millions of people doing a lot of hard work, especially from
“from those with the most to lose,” he said.
Noting the big voter turnout by Indigenous and Latino people in Arizona, and the large Black voter turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
“In the days and weeks ahead, there will be a lot of talk by white people about how Black and Brown people ‘saved us.’ Which kind of missed the point a little bit because they weren’t so much voting as a favor for White people so much as voting to protect themselves and their communities from someone trying to do them active harm,” Oliver said.
Oliver, nailed it.
I am very disappointed that many South Texas Hispanics voted for Trump and what happened in Miami-Dade County in Florida. This was embarrassing, sad, and quite frankly disgusting.
Hispanics for Trump are like roaches for Raid, actor John Leguizamo told HBO’s Bill Maher.
I strongly agree.
The New York Times (Finally) Grew a Pair
It is about time that the New York Times and other “mainstream” media grew a pair, sized up the facts and crunched the numbers that a Fifth-grader would have easily done and understood.
The newspaper of “record” finally got around to it today and pointed to the obvious (Psst —Biden won the election) with a DOA NYT’s banner Headline — in other words, old newspapers were thrown on our lawns.
BREAKING NEWS: Biden kicked Trump’s fat ass hours ago.
That was a fact worth reporting when it happened, yesterday.
This election underscores how thick the odious and repulsive smell of hatred, racism, and ignorance looms over this country.
Millions voted for a vile and deranged Monster, who has the IQ of a gnat and the scruples of an outhouse rat. He is accused by two dozen women of sexual abuse and assault. One said he raped her.
At last count, he has racked up 20,000 lies and according to the Washington Post.
Yet those who voted for this greedy grubworm were willing to allow him to continue to have the nuclear launch codes in his pocket for four more years.
The Poster Child for the 25th Amendment.
How sick is that?