“What line did Sidney Powell cross that Rudy Giuliani didn’t?” — Washington Post
Sidney concocted this cluster-flock theory in her altered state of reality that even the Orange Buffoon who she defended and his sidekick Rudy found implausible:
A Dead Despot from Venezuela is fixing U.S. elections from the grave.
As I watched the press conference and Sidney’s plot thickened, I waited for Sidney to say that Elvis voted twice or that he was seen by a Trump supporter leaving a building where ballots were being counted.
Even Fox’s Carl Tucker, who told viewers that he will entertain any and all right-wing conspiracies and xenophobia, wasn’t able to get details of the Hugo Chavez plot, not even from Sidney herself.
Tucker agreed like dozens of other federal judges that evidence is crucial here.
Right now, Trump is watching the Republican rush toward the exits on the Titanic.
The voices inside Trump’s head are fighting for the lone life-saving device onboard the ship.
I believe that when Trump watched Rudy’s press conference — sandwiched between a crematorium and a Gentleman’s Club — Donald probably flew into a rage. He screamed like the guy who found the horse’s head on his bed in the movie “The Godfather.”
Donald just realized that Sidney’s conspiracy had gone off the deep end, even by his standards.
Trump kept Rudy around because Rudy is the only one who knows how to put lipstick and rouge on a conspiracy theory, go before a federal judge with a straight face and try to sell Hiz Honor a whiff of crazy.
Washington Post story: Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s election results are sound
Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s secretary of state, merely pointed to the obvious. They did an excellent of protecting the ballot boxes, according to the WP column.
What I suggest is that Rudy and his shyster clown show take their outrageous conspiracies and lies and make their so-called legal arguments in front of the Vietnam War Memorial.
In front of a Black Wall where the names of heroes who made the ultimate sacrifices are carved. Who died like thousands of other heroes in different wars so we can live in a free country.
If these dead men and women were to listen to the lies of a Vietnam draft dodging coward via his attorneys so they can craft a nefarious plan to overthrow Democracy, I am sure all of them would pick up arms again.
Pick them up to defend us from despots and lunatics determined to destroy our country, threaten our national security.
“Make the lie big…”
“This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity,” Donald Trump said.
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it,” Hitler said.
Most Trump supporters are white Christian nationalists trying to steal an election by delegitimizing votes cast in cities where there are large Black populations, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. Using the courts to unfurl conspiracy theories concocted by deranged minds.
Hitler like Trump professed to be a Christian.
“I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.”
– Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2
Trump was endorsed by white supremacists and Evangelicals.
Hitler called for a new German order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient democratic government.
The ultimate aim of the Nazi Party was to seize power through Germany’s parliamentary system, install Hitler as a dictator, and create a community of racially pure Germans loyal to their führer. Hitler led a campaign of racial cleansing and world conquest.
Trump’s campaign began with racist slurs against Mexicans and promises to build a wall to keep out the Brown hoards. He caged Brown children.
Trump’s plan is similar to Hitler’s playbook, Mein Kampf.
Millions of whites are fearful of where the country is heading — in 2043, minorities will be the majority in the United States. This has already happened in California, Hispanics outnumber Whites.
According to Ancestry.com, these are the most common surnames by state: California – Martinez, Hernandez, Lopez; New Mexico —Martinez, Garcia, Chavez; Texas — Garcia, Smith, Martinez; Arizona — Smith, Johnson, Garcia; Nevada — Smith, Johnson, Garcia; Colorado — Smith, Johnson, Martinez.
The Browning of America is making millions of whites fearful and apprehensive about the future, sharing of political, economic, and social power.
So, many conservative white Christian followers worship on the altar of Trump and are willing to embrace an evil man who gives Lucifer competition in lying and deceit. Who never has to ask God for forgiveness.
After all, it is the will of God to steal a Democracy because it rightfully belongs to those with the right skin pigmentation.