I believe Israel’s Intelligence agents from Mossad killed this Iranian because Iran is on the verge of creating a nuclear program that will be hard to defend.
The strong message from Israel to Iran is: Shut it down, or we will do it for you.
Recently, Trump reacted to this Iranian nuclear program by asking military advisors about launching a planned strike against Iran. But military advisors understand that Trump is impulsive, crazy and will act on whims and emotions.
So, they managed to convince Trump not to launch a war in the Middle East that would engulf nations from the entire region, including Israel.
The U.S. will also suffer thousands of casualties, and there will be hundreds of thousands of refugees as a result.
I am certain the Pentagon can’t wait until Biden is in the White House.
The Israelis, however, will not allow Iran to come up with innovative ways to obliterate the Jewish nation.