Washington Post: Undercutting Trump, Barr says there’s no basis for seizing voting machines, using special counsels for election fraud, Hunter Biden
It would not surprise me if this lunatic emptied the prison cells by pardoning everyone or started a war somewhere in the world on his way out under the pretense that America was under threat.
He is a psychopath and sane Americans have been saying this before he was elected. When he was running for office, his words and deeds told the world that he had a dark soul with no conscience.
The Republicans and Trump’s supporters including those who work at Fox who defended and praised Trump are responsible for the damage and death this man is causing to appease his mental illness and greed.
Apparently, Bill Barr is looking for a “tell-all” fat book deal to tell the world that he is repentant and now regrets working for Trump.
Barr will hit the book tour circuit to promote his book, including talk show appearances.
He is a psychopath and sane Americans have been saying this before he was elected. When he was running for office, his words and deeds told the world that he had a dark soul with no conscience.
The Republicans and Trump’s supporters including those who work at Fox who defended and praised Trump are responsible for the damage and death this man is causing to appease his mental illness and greed.
Apparently, Bill Barr is looking for a “tell-all” fat book deal to tell the world that he is repentant and now regrets working for Trump.
Barr will hit the book tour circuit to promote his book, including talk show appearances.
It’s time to cash-in.
Washington Post Opinion Piece: Republicans suddenly discover they don’t like naughty words
“Could someone please find Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) a cold compress and a place where he might lie down for a few minutes?”
Click to read: Commentary
The Republican Mambo King who will twist and turn to accommodate a vile racist whose wife cusses like a sailor now wants Biden and Co. to be civil and play nice.
Kiss my medulla oblongata.
At the debate, your vulgarity showed how much of a holier-than-thou hypocrite you are even with a straight face.
You are a disgusting punk with a For Sale sign around your integrity and self-respect.
If the Democrats start their “Hug a Republican” political song and dance along with Michelle Obama’s “if they go low we go high” BS, I will no longer vote for any Democrat.
Bringing sweet smiles and roses to a gunfight with Republicans is a joke.
This is the political party that wants to overthrow the American government, subvert a Democratic election, cages Brown children, and sucks up to a lying con man bigot with the scruples of a gutter rat and the IQ of a slug.