Why these Fox News loyalists have changed the channel to Newsmax — Washington Post
“Jenny, who said she now watches Newsmax from the time she gets up to the time she goes to bed, was among the 15 longtime Fox News loyalists who spoke with The Post in depth about why they have flipped the channel to Newsmax in recent weeks and months,” according to the Washington Post.
“Their stories lend texture to what has been a quantifiable shift in the number of people who watch Newsmax, a much-smaller, would-be competitor network that has seen a dramatic uptick in viewers in the weeks since the election by capitalizing on conservative frustration with Fox, and, some say, a desire from President Trump’s fans to keep alive the flailing narrative that he will ultimately serve a second term, despite Biden’s coming inauguration.” — Washington Post.
Trump didn’t elect himself.
Months before he got elected, Trump let the world know through his own words and deeds that he was a nasty, vulgar, lying, and heartless con man.
Millions voted for him because he promised to fatten their 401ks and wallets. Keep out the Brown hoards who crossed the southern border.
He sold them his vision — Make America Great, Again. The 1950s version, white, bigoted, and unapologetic.
White supremacists, the Nazis, and David Duke endorsed his candidacy along with other “very fine” people.
It didn’t matter that two dozen women came forward and accused him of sexual abuse; one said he raped her.
Evangelicals, along with the Republican Congress, adored and praised him. He was their guy, their political savior. He quickly filled the swamp with other grifters, liars, and criminals and demanded blind loyalty.
American heroes who died defending our Democracy were called “suckers” and “losers.” He criticized POWs.
Now, the Vietnam draft dodger wants four more years of taxpayer-subsidized golf and to continue to use the Constitution as a doormat.
He hired two shysters, Sessions and Barr, to do his bidding.
He bragged that he loved America’s enemies, Kim Jong Un and Putin, and mocked and belittled our NATO allies.
All this and much more.
Yet, he convinced 74-million people to vote to give him four more years.
Sadly, America is very sick right now. But no amount of masks or vaccinations can cure what ails the nation — hatred, fear, and paranoia.