Impeach, Uncle Donald, and remember next time — you don’t elect a diseased mind to office.
You treat it with drugs and therapy and listen carefully, very carefully, to the warning signs: promising to slay bogeymen – imagined and real; constant chest-thumping; seeing friends as enemies and enemies as friends; perceiving the world through the prism of skin pigmentation; calling failures, bigots, losers and thugs “very fine people;” and surrounding themselves with yes-men and yes-women who will follow orders with goose-step gusto and precision.
But never vote into office a mentally unbalanced person, shower him or her with power, including giving him the power to push buttons and launch a nuclear war that will incinerate the nation and the free world.
Are we clear on that America?
Okay, now, hand me the eye chart.
Four years ago, political pundits and cable hosts were sizing up Trump like he was an Egyptian enigma.
A complex man and deciphering this human puzzle would be like analyzing hieroglyphics or unraveling the Germans’ intricate codes used in World World II.
I recalled on CNN when one member of the cable news brain trust (panels) wondered what the president might be trying to “signal” when he was weighing in on the future of NATO.
Others offered opinions that seemed to be pulled out of places where the sun don’t shine.
Whims, inattention to detail, and impulsivity weren’t factored in when trying to make sense of what was going through the mind of a mentally unstable Mutant.
Later, as the lies continued to pile up, the geniuses on cable news kept their fingers crossed that Trump’s generals and the adults in the White House, many with Ivy League degrees, would keep Trump from starting a war or pulling our troops out of NATO.
Surely, they would douse his whims, work around his ignorance and appease, and massage the dark, disturbing voices inside his head.
But Trump’s nefarious deeds and vulgarity continued. It got worse.
The evangelicals went to the White House to pray for what they said was a man anointed by God. They were convinced Trump had a spiritual awakening.
(Meanwhile, Jesus rolled his eyes, shook his head, and left the building)
Long before Trump was elected to office, however, there were voices — progressive and conservative — who warned America about this man.
Among the strongest voices were Donnie Deutsche, George Will, and Steve Schmidt.
In 2019, Deutsche said Trump was an evil man pandering to white supremacists terrified about the changing demographics.
(MSNBC – January 2018)
Conservative George Will left the Republican Party because of Trump and Pence. Will wrote that Pence was Trump’s poodle who knew better but did his bidding anyway.
In a May 2018 column, Will wrote Pence and his retinue flew to Indiana to walk out of the Indianapolis Colts football game.
Will said Pence’s “refined sense of right and wrong” found this intolerable during the national anthem.
Then, Pence went to Arizona to salute Joe Arpaio, who was sheriff of Maricopa County until 2016, when voters got tired of his act.
“…Pence oozing unctuousness from every pore, called Arpaio “another favorite,” professed himself “honored” by Arpaio’s presence, and praised him as “a tireless champion of . . . the rule of law.” Arpaio, a grandstanding, camera-chasing bully, and darling of the thuggish right, is also a criminal, convicted of contempt of court for ignoring a federal judge’s order to desist from certain illegal law enforcement practices,” George Will wrote.
Pence committed wholesale civil rights violations against Hispanics in Arizona under the Republican Flag.
(John Oliver – September 2017)
Pence is now trying to save his political ass, probably for 2024, and is being bestowed accolades and public plaudits. He wants to be remembered as the guy who coaxed Dear Leader out of the bunker and into public life.
Steve Schmidt, the co-founder of the Lincoln Project, compared to those leaving the Trump administration like Education Secretary Betsy DeVos; Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, and former Trump Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney like criminals leaving Hitler’s bunker as the Russians began to enter Berlin.
Pence was Trump’s General Wilhelm Burgdorf, the Nazi who committed suicide with Hitler in the Fuhrerbunker.
Pence is a self-righteous, self-serving, yet calculating weasel who is also afraid of Trump and his cult followers.
Pence will never enact the 25th Amendment.
He owns a pocket calculator and recently checked the polls, especially the one that stated 45 percent of Republicans supported the cult in their attempt to overthrow the American government.
That means about half of the 74 million who cast votes that would enable a psychopath to continue to call the shots from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for four more years.
Pence knows the score and possibilities.
Still, Uncle Joe said he would be honored if Pence went to Biden’s inauguration on June 20. Trump said he ain’t going but hopes his loons show up, again.
Joe’s red-white-and-blue- calmness is trying to roll out his “Hug a Grieved Republican” national campaign and shower D.C. with olive branches and roses.
Ahhhh, such a sweet man. Optimism runs amock.
If Pence shows up and is seen next to Uncle Joe on June 20th, I’d be shocked.
The truth is that Trump’s lapdog is a coward and is wants to tiptoe away from the White House.
Maybe, there is a lucrative book-deal down the road. Who knows?
The Washington Post Editorial Board wants Trump to be held accountable:
“Mr. Trump must be held accountable for his inexcusable incitement, and prevented from further reckless ventures at home or abroad. The powers of the presidency are wide; unchecked, Mr. Trump could prompt more unrest, a war, a domestic crackdown or who knows what else.”
Adding, “Vice President Pence bears prime responsibility to protect the country from Mr. Trump, “the Editorial states.
Pence was Trump’s General Wilhelm Burgdorf, the Nazi who committed suicide with Hitler in the Fuhrerbunker. Pence was like the other Trump stooges who did his bidding and sang his praises. Pence remained an ardent defender of Trumpism and one of the biggest cheerleaders of his policies behind closed doors. So, don’t count on Pence to do the right thing. Speaking of bunkers. Has the White House Banshee and future Trump daughter-in-law, Kimberly Guilfoyle, left the Bunker yet? The Lincoln Project or someone should run an ad with Trump’s lunatics, losers, punks, and racists rioting and trying to overthrow American Democracy at the Capitol Building. Near the end, use Guilfoyle’s words: “The best if yet to come!” The end of the ad would be Trump leaving the White House.
Unhinged Man Running the Government
When you give a 5-year-old a box of matches and sit him down in the middle of a gas station, the place will eventually catch on fire and blow up. When you give a mentally unstable man power by electing him to the highest office in the nation, and he arms himself with stooges, yes-men and woman, political lapdogs and racists, eventually, insanity, violence, death, and destruction will occur as it did at the U.S. Capitol. Trump told America who he was when he was running for the presidency, and he was elected. Four years and 30,000 lies later, in addition to his vile and evil deeds and words, 74 million cast ballots to give Trump another four years. Give him another four years and allow him to continue the lunacy, including having access to the nuclear launch codes. In other words, give a mentally ill man the ability to incinerate the nation and the free world. What does that say about America’s mental health? There is a bigger pandemic in this country that will not be cured by vaccines or wearing masks.
I am sure some of the photos of the racists and Nazis involved in the attempted hijacking of American Democracy at the United States Capitol will be circulated in the jails so the Crips, Bloods and Latin Kings can roll out the welcome wagons, including some Thump Therapy.
So, don’t count on Pence to do the right thing.
Speaking of bunkers.
Has the White House Banshee and future Trump daughter-in-law, Kimberly Guilfoyle, left the Bunker yet?
The Lincoln Project or someone should run an ad with Trump’s lunatics, losers, punks, and racists rioting and trying to overthrow American Democracy at the Capitol Building.
Near the end, use Guilfoyle’s words: “The best if yet to come!”
The end of the ad would be Trump leaving the White House.