Just Saying
By Raul Hernandez
What a joke.
Proud Boys? No, they should be named the Punked Boys.
Seriously, the fools, clowns, idiots, and white supremacists who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 should form a support group: I was punked by Donald.
Dumb MFers can sit around in large groups and talk about how they were led by a Vietnam Draft Dodger, aka Bone Spurs, who insulted what was left of their intelligence, cognitive skills, and told them to attack the Capitol Building: Make the election right for Donald. Lying, Donald said he would lead the charge but got on his limo, made a U, and headed for his Bunker at the White House.
There, he watched the slow-witted goons he set in motion have pitch bloody and brutal battles with police as they were headhunting for members of Congress and Trump’s lapdog, Pence.
Then, it became a lost cause, Trump crawled out from under his rock and condemned them for what he asked them to do. Now, Trump’s Mutants are being hunted down like rats by the FBI.
Most of them said the con man with the IQ of a slug convinced them to act like Middle East religious savages worked up into a frenzy off by a Taliban loon.
If anyone was punked by Trump and feels like they need to talk to a counselor OR get into a discussion with other fools, with similar problems call 1-800-MAGA-PUNKED.
If a homeowner had rats in the attic, he’d call an exterminator to rid the place of vermin. The property owner would pay a hefty price to kill the rodents before they become a health and safety problem.
If America found out there were foreign terrorist cells operating throughout the nation, it would do its best to hunt down the gutter rats who are trying to maim, injure or kill its citizens.
Right now, the federal government needs to pool all its forces and form a 24-hour elite task force within the borders of the U.S. to track, arrest and prosecute, domestic terrorist groups whether they are from the left or right.
But knowing Congress nothing will be done until one of these terrorists sets off a pipe bomb at a mall, school, or another public place.
Then, the OMG and “thoughts and prayers” along with the finger-pointing will echo from the Halls of Congress.
In the end, we will be lucky if a Congressional committee is formed to “study” the issue and write a thick report with a catchy title: Terror in America — Why Some Americans are Sad.
During the impeachment trial, the Democrats MUST subpoena the officers who were injured during this violent and vicious attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America by traitors, white supremacists, Nazis, and loons. Subpoena the officer who lost an eye. The officers who got brain damage, and the officer who was stabbed with a metal object. I am sure there were others who suffered serious and permanent damage inflicted by Trump’s thugs and traitors. The entire nation and world need to hear from witnesses including members of Congress about the extent of the rage and hate of Trump supporters. Also the fear of those in hiding and the bravery of those protecting them.
They need to hear exactly where human feces and urine were found, and the extent of the damages. They need to know the kind of animal that is capable of doing all this.
The whole world will be watching.
In an opinion piece, Conservative Columnist George Will writes that it doesn’t make sense to impeach and convict Donald Trump.
“But high-minded rhetoric about enforcing “accountability” on Trump ignores the fact that neither his reputation nor his future political salience hinges on the Senate impeachment trial.” — George Will writes in his column published by the Washington Post.
Hey George, make the same lame argument when someone breaks into your house, terrorizes people, trashes, and vandalizes your property. In the wake, they leave five people dead.
What “hinges on the Senate Impeachment trial” is accountability.
And, of course, impeachment will underscore a Democratic principle that nobody is above the law.
Remember, Charlie?
American criminal and cult leader Charles Manson went to prison and died there because he sent his followers to break into houses and kill people. Nine people died at four locations including, actress Sharon Tate. Charlie wanted to start a race war.
But he never went on this killing rampage so what’s the harm?
The political version of Charles Manson, Donald Trump, sent hundreds of his followers to the American people’s house, the U.S. Capitol, and five people died.
Trump wanted to overturn an election where he lost by millions of votes by overthrowing a Democracy. Dozens have been arrested — white supremacists, Nazis, Fascists, loons, and thugs.
Charles Manson was tried and convicted of first-degree murder. He died in prison in 2017.
Donald Trump needs to be held accountable so every detail and fact about what happened on Jan. 6 can be brought to light.
So historians and the American people, especially those who voted for him, will know that this evil con man was always a clear and present danger to the Nation, Democracy, and the free world.
In the future, millions will also look at the Trump political train wreck and can explain to children and grandchildren why they got onboard the first time.
And millions will be asked why they bought tickets a second time in November to ride the rails with a psychopath conductor.