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The Royal Interview
Didn’t watch the Oprah interview.
Neither the Royals nor Kardashians or other “celebrities” lives have ever been of interest.
Let’s face it, however, there is racism in every race, including Hispanics.
Most of humanity sees the world through the prism of a global Sherwin Williams color chart.
White being the prized color on top of the humanity totem pole. Darker skin pigmentation at the bottom.
Among Hispanics and other races, the color of a baby’s skin always manages to slip into the conversation, and it’s usually to find out how high a newborn fared on the Sherwin Williams color wheel.
The higher the better.
It is always wrong and ignorant when we measure the worth of other human beings based on skin pigmentation.
It is wrong when it is done at Buckingham Palace or while interviewing job candidates or mocking another race at the dinner table in front of our children.
It is always wrong to believe that those who aren’t at the top of the colors’ pie-chart are less deserving of respect, opportunities, appreciation, and human dignity.
It is just as wrong to indict an entire race based on the actions of its most ignorant, violent, and hateful members.
Comedian Chris Rock nailed it about race during a 2018 HBO special titled: “Who Wants To Change Places?”
South Alabama professors wore Confederate gear, posed with a whip and noose. Now, they’re under investigation — Washington Post
Educated Fools
This proves that education isn’t a panacea for whatever bigotry lingers in a person’s heart.
Educated fools are a dime a dozen, and the South seems to elect more than its share of them to Congress or other offices.
This year, Texas had a bumper crop of elected idiots who are now dangerous to the rest of the nation.
A Mexican restaurant in Texas kept its mask rule. People threatened to call ICE on the staff. — Washington Post
If Trump told his female followers to wear burkas, they would do it because the Golden Calf said so. They worship and adore Trump, who, along with Melania, quietly got vaccinations.
Sadly, during a political pep rally, if Trump told his Crash Dummies that the sky was falling, most of them would go outside to check it out.
When they returned, Trump would sell them Sky-is-Falling insurance after enrolling them in Trump University.
In a civilized society, you need health and safety laws. People must wear seatbelts to keep from going through the windshield. Health inspectors have to keep an eye on meatpacking and food processing companies to keep us from getting food poisoning.
Federal and state officials check the air to keep us from breathing toxic air. Building and safety inspectors check residential areas and highways to ensure structures are being built safely and do not collapse, etc.
Masks mandates are necessary to keep people from catching or spreading a deadly disease.
The wearing of masks is also mandatory in many countries because of medical health experts. Politics has nothing to do with facts put together by medical experts.
Wrapping oneself around the Constitution and quoting Chairman Trump will not stop the refrigerated trucks from pulling up to hospitals to remove the bodies of COVID-19 victims to transport them to overcrowded morgues. Also, suppose a loved one gets very sick or is involved in an accident and goes to the hospital. It might look like Baskin-Robins at the medical facility: Take a number, the doctors and nurses are very busy, and we ran out of ventilators.
No, it’s not your turn, and there is nothing that we can do.
We can’t make more ventilators, and we ran out of ER doctors and nurses. Sorry.
If this happens, call Greg Abbott, Fox News, or the GOP Headquarters and scream that the liberals are violating your God-given rights to emergency medical care.
Good luck with that, fool.
Living in America
Washington Post Saturday Story: A small-town congregation sold its church. A whites-only group moved in.
Hey, hey, hey this is America.
Racists are allowed to be racists and Nazis can goose-step on the sidewalk or inside their garages wearing World War II Nazi garb.
People are even allowed to live in fantasy worlds where they can check their mental faculties at the door and surrender their common sense to hang their hats on the mythical creature, QaNon, who pulls things out of his keister for them to behold and spills secrets for them to figure out. Puzzles for the perplexed.
They can also worship a Golden Calf dressed up in a suit and salivate when his embodiment appears on stage slings and flings tireless BS. America is one big entertainment show and the good news!
Season 5 of the Trump Organized Crime Family already promises some big episodes: Will Donald be put in handcuffs? Will the kids be named as defendants? Is the GOP working on a new Frankenstein to showcase in 2024? Will QaNon make a strong comeback? is the GOP in its death throes? Will Uncle Joe’s printer catch fire from printing all that money? Will the checks get to people faster than the vaccines?
Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, Mr. Brown, please cue the music: https://youtu.be/c5BL4RNFr58
The Demise of Trumpian Empire
“The Holy Roman Empire is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.” — Voltaire
Trump’s Crash Dummies are too ignorant to realize that this con man is taking them for a ride and will be asking them for “contributions” to fatten his personal coffers so he can pay his legal fees and court costs.
Trump will implode as soon as the feds and state law enforcement officers haul him away in handcuffs and execute search warrants on Mar-a-Lago.
Also, the IRS and banks will come to collect what Trump owes them. The Trump brand is already on the decline.
Trump will plead guilty to several felonies to keep from being put in a cage for a long time.
He will be terrified when he gets a taste of life behind bars.
Worse, the courts will not be kind to him.
Justice is blind until it is sucker-punched in the mouth. Trump has sucker-punched too many people, including those wearing black robes and waving FBI badges.
It’ll be game over when the federal and state prosecutors seek long prison sentences. That will be fueled by court documents that will indicate how much he stole from the American taxpayers and how much he owes foreign governments, including Russian billionaires with ties to Putin.
In the end, Trump will agree as part of the terms of his parole not to be involved in politics in any shape, form, or manner.
However, others will revive Trump’s hate-filled script and try to tap into the 74 million who believed that a bigot with the scruples of a goat should have been reelected.
That path to 2022 is already being paved by the GOP passing Jim Crow voting laws.
Cops allegedly Formed Gangs in Los Angeles County, according to media reports.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department allegedly has rogue cops who have secretly formed gangs where officers tattoo themselves to prove gang affiliation.
The Sheriff denies it. Some deputies say it’s true.
This is no surprise. I wrote a similar story in 2014 about Oxnard PD’s alleged shooting tattoos.
Pitbull Merrick about to be Unleashed
I saw the congressional hearings, Merrick Garland is a mild-mannered pitbull about to be unleashed.
Justice is blind until it is sucker-punched in the mouth.
Justice is blind until it is sucker-punched in the mouth.
Trump — like many of the “Boys he used, mislead and punked, aka Proud Boys — will rely on animal instinctsto save his keister from ending up in a cage for a long time.
It’s called survival. Trump has sucker-punched too many people.
When law enforcement arrives at his doorstep, it’s game over for Trump. His orange chameleon will turn pale.
After the members of the Proud Boys,”Oath Keepers” and others were arrested, the finger-pointing began. Excuses and denials by the hundreds were spawned along with snitches.
Every other grinning, loudmouth, self-righteous pretend patriot, Nazi, and white supremacist fat with false bravado
It’s called survival. Trump has sucker-punched too many people.
When law enforcement arrives at his doorstep, it’s game over for Trump. His orange chameleon will turn pale.
After the members of the Proud Boys,”Oath Keepers” and others were arrested, the finger-pointing began. Excuses and denials by the hundreds were spawned along with snitches.
Every other grinning, loudmouth, self-righteous pretend patriot, Nazi, and white supremacist fat with false bravado
crawled back under their rocks.
Those who spoke said they were “just following orders’ (sound familiar)? Or, they were inside the Capitol working as reporters. Worse, a mythical hobgoblin with fangs, QaNon, told them that the Democratic demons inside would destroy the country and eat children.
Trump’s mug shot will be the bad punchline of a terrible joke. The world will laugh.
Those who spoke said they were “just following orders’ (sound familiar)? Or, they were inside the Capitol working as reporters. Worse, a mythical hobgoblin with fangs, QaNon, told them that the Democratic demons inside would destroy the country and eat children.
Trump’s mug shot will be the bad punchline of a terrible joke. The world will laugh.
It will be like watching his Atlantic City casino being brought down by dynamite.
Right now, Trump is targeting those who would deny him being King, Potentate of the Highest Order or a Dear Leader to the millions of failures, losers, and armed, camouflaged punks.
The only thing that will stop his blind rage will be the sight of strangers waving FBI badges.
In a cage, Trump will come to terms with “Two Corinthians” or Jesus. Learn which side of the Bible is up. Praying that his next roommate isn’t a Democrat with an ax to grind.
In the book, The Dead Sea Bar and Grill, the character Rosie Buendia is in church praying for Butch. She is surprised to see the tough bartender, Anthony Jr., there. He said he gave his sister Edna a ride so she can spill out her guts to a priest inside a confessional booth.
Rose whispers, “Anthony, do you believe God?”
Anthony looks around and replies, “only when I am out of options.”
Trump is running out of options.
Right now, Trump is targeting those who would deny him being King, Potentate of the Highest Order or a Dear Leader to the millions of failures, losers, and armed, camouflaged punks.
The only thing that will stop his blind rage will be the sight of strangers waving FBI badges.
In a cage, Trump will come to terms with “Two Corinthians” or Jesus. Learn which side of the Bible is up. Praying that his next roommate isn’t a Democrat with an ax to grind.
In the book, The Dead Sea Bar and Grill, the character Rosie Buendia is in church praying for Butch. She is surprised to see the tough bartender, Anthony Jr., there. He said he gave his sister Edna a ride so she can spill out her guts to a priest inside a confessional booth.
Rose whispers, “Anthony, do you believe God?”
Anthony looks around and replies, “only when I am out of options.”
Trump is running out of options.