JUST SAYING: End of the World;Trump and Republican Party Fleece Supporters; Kemp’s Bamboozle Barrage; IG’s Riot Report Sums Up Epidemic of Stupidity by the Federal Government
Posted on April 1, 2021
An ancient prophet said this about the end of the world thousands of years ago: Jesus said to them, “You don’t need to know the time of those events that only the Father controls.”
“The Bible for Dummies” Translation: Seriously, STFU already about the end of the world and stop following greedy wolves in sheep’s clothing, hypocrites, religious lunatics, false prophets, QaNut, and Donald.
If it’s any consolation, read the last chapter of the Bible: You win!
NYT: How Trump Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations.
Online donors were guided into weekly recurring contributions. Demands for refunds spiked. Complaints to banks and credit card companies soared. But the money helped keep Donald Trump’s struggling campaign afloat.
Trump committed an Evangelical hijacking and robbing of the dupes who believe he walks on water, according to a story by the New York Times published Saturday.
The Donald and the Republican Party fleeced the donors and made them cry.
“Bandits!” said Victor Amelino, a 78-year-old Californian, who made a $990 online donation to Mr. Trump in early September via WinRed. It recurred seven more times — adding up to almost $8,000. “I’m retired. I can’t afford to pay all that damn money,” according to the NYT.
NYT: “The sheer magnitude of the money involved is staggering for politics. In the final two and a half months of 2020, the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and their shared accounts issued more than 530,000 refunds worth $64.3 million to online donors. All campaigns make refunds for various reasons, including to people who give more than the legal limit. But the sum the Trump operation refunded dwarfed that of Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s campaign and his equivalent Democratic committees, which made 37,000 online refunds totaling $5.6 million in that time.”
This fool Kemp positions himself in front of the bobblehead white ladies with a smidge of token minorities to give Jim Crow racial cover., legitimacy. How sweet. Kemp then vows to bankrupt Georgia before he realizes that most people aren’t buying his bigotry. Republicans, however, assume that the nation subscribes to their Party of Stupid where facts, truth, and integrity don’t matter. Or, quite frankly, people’s brains are scrambled from going through the blender of Fox News’ lies, Trump propaganda and moral decay. However, the worse part of this press conference is that the media didn’t bother to ask Kemp to provide a scintilla of evidence of voter fraud in Georgia or the nation. Also, is it a coincidence that Republicans are enacting these Jim Crow/Winn Dixie laws right after their Golden Calf, Donald Trump lost an election and cried foul. In addition, federal agencies, Trump’s own Attorney General Bill Barr, and dozens of federal courts concluded no voter fraud? Were they wrong? It is important to ask to get Kemp and other Republicans like him on the record. But many reporters today are posers who are more interested in how they look on camera than being prepared and then asking tough questions at press conferences. Oh, well, they let Kemp off the hook. No surprise, I can’t wait for the next “press conference.”
An Inspector General report torched U.S. Capitol police for its handling of the Jan. 6 insurrection to overthrow the government. The report stated that the police failed to act on intelligence that suggested that protestors could be armed and could target the U.S. Capitol.
What’s new?
After 911, another report stated that egos, turf wars, and power trips kept federal agencies from communicating and exchanging information about potential terroristic threats in the nation.
In other words, the right hand didn’t know what the left hand was doing.
All federal law enforcement agencies should be overhauled, fine-tuned, and revamped, begin with equipping law enforcement officers with body cameras.
You couldn’t find a body camera in any federal building. That became evident when the feds relied on young computer geeks along with other sleuths to comb through Facebook to identify the thugs involved in the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol.
The FBI stated that they helped bring these Trump’s clueless warriors to justice.
(After they left their mothers’ basements, said goodbye to their PlayStations, they rushed to D.C. to overthrow the United States government and save America.)
Please, most are already pointing fingers at one another and at Trump, hiding from the media.
It would be much easier to find Jan. 6 Trump Crash Dummies if federal law enforcement officers had been equipped with body cameras.
Mark my word.
Defense attorneys are going to have a field day in court trying to confuse a jury that the feds got the wrong guy.
“It wasn’t my guy on this image. The image was PhotoShopped” defense will be used.
Biden just gave the federal government another trillion dollars to parcel out. Yet, we still don’t have an account of how the first trillion-plus was spent when Trump was in office. Neither the White House nor the media have told us where this money went.
I know much of it went into the pockets of con men who used the money to buy luxury cars, boats, and houses.
How do I know this? It’s all on the Department of Justice website: