This seems justified. Brown nearly struck two law enforcement officers while leaving the scene.
Cops stop you for any reason put both hands on the steering wheel and say: “Under the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, I am invoking my right not to talk to anyone about any criminal matter without my attorney present. I do not wish to answer questions without speaking to my attorney first. I do not consent to any search or submit to any test until I have spoken with my attorney.”
Here is the hard part and what people don’t seem to grasp. Swallow your pride, follow orders by cops, and STFU.
Repeat: Swallow your pride, follower orders, and STFU.
Stay calm and be polite.
That was the advice a female defense lawyer Maureen Pacheco gave me and other news reporters during a course at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.
It will save you a trip to the hospital, jail, or morgue.
There are cops who are armed and dangerous, unpredictable and wanna-be action figures.
Don’t play Russian roulette on the streets. Make it home safe, write down what happened, and hire a lawyer if you believe your civil rights were violated.
Make sure you have video cameras mounted inside your car capable of recording the incident.
Turn on the camera before you put both hands on the steering wheel.
Opinion: Liz Cheney doesn’t go far enough
By Raul Hernandez
Cheney went on Fox “News” and said she voted 93 percent of the time for Trump and his “policies.” She also said that she would never vote for a democrat and is against Biden’s policies.
Please stop making this woman a heroine for telling the Republican Party that the sky is blue while they insist that the Orange Buffoon said it is purple.
So, it must be purple!
Here is a recent interview she had with a Fox “News” fact-free clown posing as a serious journalist: https://youtu.be/EABwZDnpt0w
Cheney is a political opportunist elevated by some progressives as the Mother Teresa of the Republican Party. Who will save the GOP from their sins (breathtaking stupidity).
Liz was placed on the altar of Trump as the first political sacrifice the Republican Party offered to the Dear Leader of Mar-a-Lago under the watchful eye of the god, QaNut, who sat on the celestial perch and smiled.
Let that be a lesson to the rest of you politically shaved-head, castrated Republican Hare Krishnas.
Saint Romney, who also said that the sky was blue (oops), has been remarkably silent. He seems to be goose-stepping alongside the rest of the followers of Trumpism.
That is strange because Romney subscribes to the Mormon religion, which states:
“The Book of Mormon alludes to the United States as being the Biblical Promised Land, with the Constitution of the United States being divinely inspired, and argues that America is an exceptional nation,” according to Wikipedia.
What say you, Mitt? Mitt?…..Miiiiit.
The questions here are “Have you no shame,” and Is spreading the “Big Lie” in the name of Donald the Beloved of Mar-a-Lago worth sacrificing your self-respect, dignity, and integrity?
More crickets.
Yea? I figured. Well, I guess that makes you a little bit pregnant.
Rep. Greene aggressively confronts Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, causing New York congresswoman to raise security concerns
Cue the soundtrack to Jaws as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez walks down the hallway.
Banshee alert!
“You don’t care about the American people,” Greene shouted. “Why do you support terrorists and Antifa?”
Everybody out of the pool! Mother of God!
A Republican crazy with testosterone overload is roaming the hallways, confronting and ready to pounce on easy prey — vulnerable and weak-kneed progressives.
She spots Alexandria who is still shaken after Trump’s Crash Dummies stormed the Bastille.
Greene pounces.
“She’s a chicken, she doesn’t want to debate the Green New Deal,” Greene said to a small group of reporters and onlookers near the entrance to the chamber. “These members are cowards. They need to defend their legislation to the people. That’s pathetic.”
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Are we at the high school cafeteria where the ugly, unpopular mean girl was just dumped by her boyfriend for the student-council, head cheerleader, or inside the halls of the United States Capitol Building that is still trying to recover from the trauma that Trump’s Commandos inflicted while trying to overthrow a legitimate Democratic government?
Huffington Post: Liz Cheney Helped Create Donald Trump’s GOP
The Wyoming representative is now standing up to the president’s lies, but from flirting with birthers to pushing anti-Muslim rhetoric, she long stood with him.
Like the rest of these Republican fools, Cheney helped create the political Frankenstein and put lipstick on him. The monster has turned against those who sang his praises and believed he would lead them to the Land of Milk and Honey.
Former Trump admirers and supporters include Cheney, Jeff Sessions, Michael Cohen, Mike Pence, and many others.
He orchestrated a Big Lie and piled up a cult following along the way.
Trumpenstein had a dark and shady past before he ran for president, including sexually assaulting females, lying, cheating honest business owners and banks, mocking the disabled, poking fun at Gold Star parents, and stealing money from a veterans’ charity.
This monster and his henchmen inflicted cruelty and pain on desperate people and put their children in cages like animals.
He earned the endorsement of white supremacists and Nazis.
This monster is a coward who dodged the Vietnam War and called those who served America “suckers” and “losers.”
His greed is unrivaled and would make the vultures on the Serengeti blush.
In this sad and sick GOP Opera, Cheney now claims that she has finally seen the light after years of silence. She is currently a born-again Republican.
Some on the left have made her a Republican Joan of Arc for her “courage” to finally speak out and warn others about this human blight on the American landscape who with accomplices is trying to destroy Democracy.