Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs law creating new voting restrictions as opponents sue in federal court
By Eva Ruth MoravecToday at 12:53 p.m. EDT2.1k
AUSTIN — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday signed into law a bill that creates strict new voting rules in the state, ending a months-long effort by Democrats to stall the legislation by denying Republicans a quorum in the House.
But the law already faces two challenges in federal court, with nearly two dozen organizations and individuals suing Texas GOP leaders and local elections officials. Abbott said he did not think the legal challenges would derail the legislation.
“I feel extremely confident that when this law makes it through the litigation phase, it will be upheld in a court of law,” Abbott told reporters in Tyler, Tex., where he signed the bill. “No one who is eligible to vote will be denied the opportunity to vote. It does, however, make it harder for cheaters to cast an illegal ballot.”
JUST SAYING (www.cjnotebook.com)
By Raul Hernandez
Next, Greg and the Boys will manage to pass a “Separate Water Fountains Law” for blacks and whites.
The Lone Star State is now in the Leave it to Beaver era. Right, Wally?
When “America was Great” and whites had Affirmative Actions Programs going (wink, wink) for the last 200 years, and nobody complained or was even bothered by it.
Greg Abbott has also made it possible for cocky punks 21 and over with attitudes and big mouths to load up on ammo and assault rifles as much as they want — no questions asked.
A fool with an assault rifle walks into McDonald’s or PF Changs and it’ll be hard to not keep an eye on him if you trying to eat and protect your family.
Somebody call the Chamber of Commerce and have them explain the economics of all this. Also no masks under the threat of being jailed or worse.
Plus there is decreasing ICU space and crowded ERs and morgues filled or at near capacity.
There should be a Travel Advisory Warning from the State Department against traveling to Texas, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas Mississippi, and other backward states where you still see the Confederate flag flying or a statue of General Lee in the middle of downtown.
Cue the theme song from the movie Deliverance. https://youtu.be/pDlZLsJJkVA
Houston, we have lift-off and it ain’t purdy.