It is becoming quite clear from most of the audits from auditors across the nation. These cops and city officials went to the University of Stupid, where a moron teaches them how to treat the public and how the law works. These audits are more than First Amendment.
This audit is an example of the arrogance, ignorance, and the my-way-or-the-highway attitude many of these clowns with guns and badges take the streets and communities to terrorize, especially in poor and minority communities.
Many of the public servants are just as bad.
I am waiting for one of these thugs with guns and badges to pull something out of their keisters and say, “I am going to arrest you because I am butthurt. Do you want to go to jail? I got my ego bruised. I need some ID. Sit on the curb, shut up, listen, or you are going to jail. You are challenging a law enforcement officer and challenging his ignorance of the law. I am butthurt.”
Many of these clowns are armed and dangerous.