A Diminished Donald Trump Unleashes 3rd Presidential Campaign In Texas
WACO, Texas
Thousands of Donald Trump’s most devoted fans gathered for a rally at Waco Regional Airport Saturday, hoping to lift the scandal-plagued and increasingly isolated candidate back to the top of the Republican Party and into the presidency.
It’s a favorable location to launch what Trump’s campaign calls the first official rally of the former president’s third White House bid.
By Raul Hernandez
Just Saying
What is a joke is that the media Drama Queens and alarmists are beating a dying political horse for 2024 by sidestepping a major hurdle — reality.
Trump running for office will be hard, to say the least — nearly impossible, also comical.
First, Trump will go from one criminal or civil trial to another in the coming months, including more than 20 sexual abuse, harassment, or rape cases.
He is going to end up in a state or federal cage. I don’t believe state or federal prison officials will let him conduct his political campaign from his cell — where will he put up his phones to raise money?
Where will he hold his re-elect-Trump meetings? He will need a fax machine, typewriters, and a phone. No warden will let him go on the campaign trail.
A judge, especially a federal justice, will grow tired of his rants and raves and threats and temper tantrums and put gag orders on Trump and his shysters so his big mouth won’t taint the jury.
Yet, nobody in the media has bothered to ask him or the Republican supporters how they will run his campaign from a cell.
I’d love to know the answers.
Trump is running out of money and support among sane people. He is desperate. Look who showed up at his latest Freak Shows — the latest one in Waco, Texas. Very thin crowds are showing up in NYC, so far.
This 2024 BS is Trump playing Three-Card-Monte, and most in the media, and Trump’s dupes, still guessing — that card, no wait, this card etc.
The rest of us — get those GD cards out of my face; you’re a lying, conniving lunatic.