Democrats Say John Roberts’ Reputation Is ‘At Stake’ After Latest Clarence Thomas Revelation — Huffington Post
“Mom’s rent, family tuition, vacations and gifts — and secret? Any other government employee would be fired,” one Democratic senator said.
Just Saying
By Raul Hernandez
Democrats give lip service and grandstand a lot and in the end, do nothing.
Reputation? What reputation?
Justice Roberts is the problem.
He is afraid to face the American people, tell them that the corruption and malfeasance at the court will be addressed, and tell the nation how he will do it.
Roberts’ reputation so far is pathetic, and he seems to be trying to ignore the problems, hoping they will go away.
It is vital to a vibrate and healthy Democracy that this cancer in the court be addressed, and the American people be told how.
Instead, Roberts hopes that he can come down from the mountain with a tablet spelling out Ethical Conduct on the nation’s highest court without any teeth, and these Supreme Court-robed rats like Clarence Thomas will magically grow wings and halos.
Abraham Lincoln underscored the rights of the American people because he understood the minds of men who try to hijack and pervert our Democracy and divide us and divide us as a nation:
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” — Abraham Lincoln said.
Roberts should take heed of Lincoln’s words, remember who he serves, and be brave enough to face the people, explain what he’s going to do and how he’s going to do it.
Otherwise, the American people will no longer believe or trust the integrity of the United States Supreme Court.