via Associated Press
Just Saying
By Raul Hernandez

Meanwhile, this Orange Vietnam draft dodger—who apparently thinks 72°F is a polar vortex—is scheming to use American troops to invade Greenland (for its ice, I guess?) and maybe take over the Panama Canal, because why not?
And his loyal cult followers?
Oh, they’re about to get an Economics 101 crash course when their beloved Dollar Store suddenly turns into the $1.50 Store. Or when Walmart starts charging $10 for a bag of potatoes.
Tariffs and supply chains, baby—it’s basic math, not sorcery.
Today, of course, many Trump-loving hypocrites are off to Sunday worship, asking God to bless their Orange Messiah, The Chosen One. You know, because praying for a man who cheats at golf, dodges taxes, and lies as easily as he breathes totally aligns with the teachings of sweet Jesus.
Speaking of which, I’m a little fuzzy on the Bible here—what part mentions Jesus cutting deals with the devil to save souls?
I must’ve missed the chapter where the Lord said, “Blessed are the liars, for they shall inherit Twitter.”
Would Jesus strike a deal with a guy who gives the devil a run for his money in deceit and dishonesty?
Yeah, I don’t think so either.