Yes, There Are Ways To Cut The Budget Deficit. ‘DOGE’ Hasn’t Found Them So Far.
Would anyone hire the local butcher to perform brain surgery? Of course not. So why hand the reins of leadership to a billionaire clown who gutted Twitter, thrives on the innovation of others, and claims credit for their brilliance?
Tesla wasn’t born of Elon Musk’s genius—it was an existing car company he bought into, riding the wave of others
hard work. Yet Musk is idolized, despite his knack for self-promotion and leeching off ingenuity. And who came knocking at his gilded door? Donald Trump, looking for a two-legged ATM to fund his lawsuits, jets, and ego-fueled rallies.Here’s a starting point for a real conversation:
— Raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy making more than $400,00 or more.
—Slash the bloated $916 billion defense budget.
The U.S. already has 3,300 thermonuclear weapons—more than enough to obliterate the planet. Meanwhile, Russia and China’s and four other nations — India, Saudi Arabia, Britain and Germany — combined military budgets barely exceed $700 billion.
But will Republicans, with their endless flag-waving and pork-barrel projects, make meaningful cuts? Absolutely not.
Critics may argue that budget cuts risk essential services like Social Security, Medicare, and veterans’ benefits. Americans need to speak up,
Call Congress. Demand real solutions. Remind them the midterms are always around the corner.
The power lies with the people—but only if we use it.
Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard — (202) 224-3121.
Current list of members of Congress: Ballotpedia